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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:23:51 Edit(编辑)
Bai people live condom, Durex get into trouble? Warning made by the national anti-pornography Office,

Bai people live condom, Durex get into trouble? Warning made by the national anti-pornography Office,(杜蕾斯百人试带避孕套直播捅娄子?全国扫黄打非办发警告,)



Bai people live condom, Durex get into trouble? Warning-Durex made by the national anti-pornography Office, webcast, pornography-IT information

On April 27, was originally a private topic, a topic that is easy to spread, in the era of network live, many anchors in desperation, to "sex" bloggers. But blatant like Durex play touch ball, Bo-grabbing marketing is still quite rare.

Last night, fitting condoms Durex made a hundred people live, live in the b station, music video, YouTube, Cat Mobile App, live, betta six live platform simultaneously. Even though we know in our hearts can't live hundreds of people wore Durex condoms, but still wants to see some highlights. Unexpectedly in time of nearly three hours, we see only the moving bed, chatting and eating fruit, and so on.

According to statistics, last night probably has about 5 million people see has this field live "show", single from data view, so scale of live results undoubtedly is success of, but Durex Republika is is using has "sex", and "glimpse desires", compared sensitive of theme to playing walking, although content quite "health", but does is has take "porn" marketing of suspected.

At noon today, the national "anti-pornography" Office official Twitter @ anti-pornography network broadcast industry warns again, reads as follows:

Recently, several networks broadcast platform for disseminating pornographic information being Office-bearers of cultural law enforcement investigation. The national "anti-pornography" Office is also highly concerned about the webcast platform "bad marketing", "soft porn" advertising law "the fringes". Internet companies to effectively assume responsibility, resolutely resist the offensive content, and jointly create a favorable network environment. ”

As Durex, the broadcasting time of up to 3 hours, and almost no "real" content, was criticized by many netizens as "Durex most failed marketing case in history, no one," "this is the most boring live." Now being the national "anti-pornography" Office's bluntness, don't know what the broadcast fails, also is a success?

杜蕾斯百人试带避孕套直播捅娄子?全国扫黄打非办发警告 - 杜蕾斯,网络直播,扫黄打非 - IT资讯







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