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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/21 10:33:47 Edit(编辑)
2017 in Silicon Valley tech giants of the European crisis,

2017 in Silicon Valley tech giants of the European crisis,(2017,硅谷科技巨头的欧洲危机,)



2017, the Silicon Valley tech giant European crisis-in Silicon Valley, Google, Apple, Facebook-IT information

In the view of European history and geography, North America is only European civilization out of a branch on this tree. But today, the European market with 500 million consumers has become fertile ground for North American technology giants reap profits fertilize the soil.

Mindset and reality of asymmetry to create not just Dumas jealous of Alexandre Dumas's "love and hate", is as fierce as the Beijing real estate inheritance interests.

From the Marshall era, "Americans" has played an important role in Europe. But in hundreds of years, respectively, dominate the world of European countries are not willing to become United States people profit providers.

Dream of history never stopped searching, and the pursuit of real interest has never stopped, 28 Member States of the European Union policymakers became Silicon Valley companies dominate the digital world's most active and most fierce critics. Their condemnation of the Silicon Valley companies, including failure to pay or even to evade local taxes, collected a vast amount of disclosure of users ' personal information, and so on.

In just the past in 2016, the tensions finally erupted: in August the European Commission ruled Ireland government law to give Apple tax advantage contrary to fair competition, requiring Apple to Ireland Government to pay 13 billion euros (about 13.7 billion US dollars) tax on Google was accused of unfairly favouring its own digital services Uber is limited in some areas of service ... ...

Europe used to be a "big brother", but have already used in the world when the boss of Americans now do not buy it, all the above companies have denied the existence of irregularities.

No permanent friends, only permanent interests. Enter in 2017, the Silicon Valley company will face more pain in Europe. Many beginning in 2016 or earlier surveys have an end will be China's rooster. If Silicon Valley companies win, waiting for the United States Science and technology giant and the new President will be a beautiful scenery of the future. And if the Silicon Valley companies ended in defeat, they may not only be forced to change business practices in Europe, will also see a change in operating practices of other overseas markets.

Below, Xtecher to check United States technology giant 2017 will be facing the kind of crisis in the European market:

Apple: history's biggest ticket waiting for you

Apple 2017 on the European priority is to appeal the 13 billion euros of tax tickets. Ireland's lawmakers also appealed the decision of the EU's executive arm, the European Commission, consider that the Commission has exceeded its jurisdiction, and Apple did not receive preferential tax treatment. These two appeals cases, scheduled in Europe by the end of this year, China's Supreme People's Court for a hearing.

In this case trump after he came into power, is likely to address the growing number of hands from a political perspective. United States new President has made it clear that Trump will be through preferential tax policies to encourage United States enterprises in overseas stores of cash back to the United States. If Trump to continue to implement the policy, the law enforcement agencies of both sides of the Atlantic will inevitably be on whether to go to the United States on the issue of corporate tax standoff.

Google: after losing money had "forgotten"

Google current in Europe faced three search services and the popular smart phone operating system Android-related antitrust litigation.

First with Google are not just related to the promotion of own products, may this spring in the obtained results. Case could put Google at the highest 10% global revenues of punishment, equivalent to about US $7.5 billion. Google has denied deliberately favour its own products, and the company has spent nearly $500 million in the whole of Europe and good. Google's appeal against the verdict in the case could last for years.

Google's European operations also face the problem of pay taxes. Google in most European countries only very few taxes, why is Google's financial report almost low tax all incomes are registered in Ireland. Google's European headquarters are located in Ireland's capital Dublin. France this year, the Government is likely to decide whether to ask Google to pay taxes required to pay more than $1 billion over the years.

Google France appeals the decisions of the data protection regulators, who believed that "right to be forgotten" (right-to-be-forgotten) laws extend beyond European search engines. In accordance with the "right to be forgotten" current requirements associated with European individuals may, under specific circumstances, asked Google to remove links to their Web content. Google's appeal will be heard this year.

Facebook: "Chinese new year"

Because it plays an increasingly important role in the European economy, the social media giant Facebook has become the object of European officials aimed at.

In 2017, Facebook in France, and Spain, and Germany and the Netherlands the findings will be released, these countries the company tracks have been previously registered users and non-registered users use Facebook's practices were under investigation. Facebook previously in Belgium has won a similar lawsuit.

Previously also accused Facebook of the European Union in the process of regulatory approval of its $19 billion acquisition of WhatsApp is misleading. Facebook could face hefty fines. The European Commission said, Facebook acquired in 2014 while inaccurately claimed that it is technically impossible to automatically merge Facebook user information and WhatsApp. Facebook responded to the needs in this regard before the end of January 2017.

View Facebook in the United States during the presidential election failed to halt the false news of the raging, this issue raises a similar concern and worries in Europe. Some European officials have asked Facebook to such information and a more positive response to the hate speech.

Facebook announce Joint third after the implementation of investigative agencies cracking down on fake news, Germany was not satisfied with the move, the Government seems to be. It is reported that for fear of Facebook fake news will affect the 2017 election Germany Government is brewing fine for network news. Social Democratic Party Parliament, if false news did not immediately deleted, Facebook will result in fines of up to 500,000 euros.

Facebook in 2017, really suffered from the "die" crisis ... ...

Uber: Europe has "local protection"

European markets are Uber is one of the most important international markets. But in parts of Europe the taxi associations and legislators condemn Uber taxi service provider does not comply with local laws and support since the unfair competition, Uber's development is struggling in Europe.

Regional Court of China's Supreme People's Court of the European Union the European Union (European Court of Justice) trial in November last year the European countries the main lawsuit against Uber. As China's Supreme People's Court of the European Union, the decision will affect the future operation of Uber in the 28-nation bloc as a whole. The case is expected to be in April this year to make the trial results.

If Uber is identified as in the present case the transport service, it will be forced to comply with tough European rules of taxi management, shall not offer cheaper services. If the Court rules that Uber is a digital platform, the company will be able to more aggressive expansion in the European market.

Amazon: all talk and no action, the EU does not dry

Compared to other giants of "love-hate" Europeans for Amazon feelings far more "pure". As early as in June 2014, Germany Berlin the third session of the International Trade Union Confederation (International Trade Union Confederation, ITUC for short), Amazon CEO Bezos (Jeff Bezos) was selected as the "world's worst bosses."

Elected "world's worst" four months later in October 2014, the European Commission announced that Luxembourg shall be exempt from the Amazon Luxembourg subsidiaries of enterprise income tax investigations, investigations of its practices are in breach of EU State aid rules. Investigators said at the time, Amazon in the European market, that "most" profit from its Luxembourg subsidiary, and the company is exempt from tax because of its organization structure. Currently, Amazon is still awaiting the findings of the Commission of the European Union published.

Amazon has denied the Commission's allegations and said the company has been in compliance with the business tax provisions of the State. The European Commission's investigation results are expected to be due out this summer, the results will give McDonald's, Starbucks and other United States companies have far-reaching effects.

For an early resolution of the problem, Amazon in 2015, has announced that the company will be taxed separately in major European countries, but not, as in the past, only Luxembourg tax. Today, 2017 of the new year's Bell has struck more than half a month, Amazon still only Luxembourg tax businesses.

The rooster and meet commitments, time seems to have arrived ... ...

2017,硅谷科技巨头的欧洲危机 - 硅谷,谷歌,苹果,Facebook - IT资讯


























欧盟区域的中国最高人民法院院欧洲联盟法院(European Court of Justice)在去年11月开庭审理了欧洲多国多主体控诉Uber的官司。作为欧盟中国最高人民法院院,其判决将会影响Uber在整个欧盟28国的未来运营。本案预计将在今年4月做出审判结果。



相比其他巨头的“爱恨交织”,欧洲人对于亚马逊的感情显然更加“单纯”。早在2014年6月,在德国柏林举办的第三届国际工会联盟(International Trade Union Confederation,简称ITUC)上,亚马逊CEO贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)就被选为“全球最差老板”。





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