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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/7 7:44:54 Edit(编辑)
Ma Liu figure inside a private plane comparison: on the Jingdong CEO superior Deluxe,

Ma Liu figure inside a private plane comparison: on the Jingdong CEO superior Deluxe,(马云刘强东私人飞机内部多图对比:论豪华京东CEO更胜一筹,)



Ma Liu private aircraft comparisons: on luxury Jingdong CEO superior-Ma, Alibaba, Liu, private jet-IT information

Alibaba founder Jack MA in 2013 with a $49.7 million (about 303 million) cash purchase of Alibaba a Gulfstream G550 aircraft right after the plane lease back free of charge to Alibaba, Jack Ma, mainly used for corporate purposes.

Bay flow G550 corporate machine (Gulfstream G550), is international top remote Jet corporate machine representative models one of, by United States Bay flow aerospace company Yu 2003 launched, is human flight history's first frame direct range can from New York direct Tokyo of Super remote corporate aircraft, can carrying 18 name passengers, is domestic voyage most far, and performance optimal, and cabin most spacious, and comfortable sex best of luxury corporate machine.

Gulfstream G550 is 29.4 meters long and a wingspan of 28.5 metres height of 7.9 m, cabin 2.24 meters wide, cabin height of 1.88 meters, length of 15.3 m in the cabin, the cabin area of 47.3 square meters. Voyage to 11686 km, maximum cruising height: 15545 m, Gulfstream G550 Business Jet performance ensures direct flights from Beijing to Chicago, Los Angeles, United States North of West city, also direct flights to Western Europe and Australia and other places, with truly long distance intercontinental flight capabilities.

Gulfstream G550 powered by two Rolls-Royce BR710 thrust 6803.88kg C4-11 turbine engines cruising speed: 904Km/h, maximum takeoff weight of 41.27.

G550 also allows owners to personally participate in the cabin interior layout is like decorating their houses to decorate your air houses, including kitchen and bathroom locations are free to choose.

G550 luxurious cockpit:

Liu Jingdong founder in 2015, with a $400 million price bought Gulfstream G650 Gulfstream G650 sells better than Ma Gulfstream G550 whole billion higher, then what difference does it make 100 million?

Gulfstream G650 is the upgraded version of the G550, is currently the largest and fastest on the market's fastest, most comprehensive business private jet.

Gulfstream G650 uses 2.59 m wide fuselage (0.35 meters wider than the G550), the most spacious cabin area is a business jet, also has the largest window.

Gulfstream G650 uses a Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce BR725 engines, maximum cruise speed of Mach 0.925, become the Concorde after the fastest aircraft in the civil aviation, range of up to 13000 km when the speed of Mach 0.85 than the G550 is much more than 1000 kilometers.

In addition, the G650 internal configuration of luxury, not only is equipped with a full kitchen and bar, and a variety of entertainment design, including satellite telephones, wireless Internet, etc.

G650 cabin is not high:

Display aircraft using special terrain surrounding environmental conditions, when applied to low visibility.

Has a private cubicle, where you can enjoy a comfortable personal space without interruption. Buyers can choose from 12 cabin floor plans look like.

Kitchens equipped with disinfecting water supply system made of porcelain, Crystal and tableware.

Besides these above the cabin's unique design can make the internal pressure raised to normal range. Results for cabin pressurization can make passengers feel like on the ground, reduce fatigue caused by flying.

马云刘强东私人飞机内部多图对比:论豪华京东CEO更胜一筹 - 马云,阿里巴巴,刘强东,私人飞机 - IT资讯


湾流G550公务机(Gulfstream G550),是国际顶级远程喷气式公务机代表机型之一,由美国湾流宇航公司于2003年推出,是人类飞行史上首架直航范围能从纽约直达东京的超远程公务飞机,可搭载18名乘客,是国内航程最远、性能最优、客舱最宽敞、舒适性最好的豪华公务机。


湾流G550搭载了两台推力为6803.88kg的Rolls-Royce BR710 C4-11涡轮发动机,巡航速度为904Km/h,最大起飞重量41.27吨。






湾流G650采用罗尔斯-罗伊斯公司的Rolls-Royce BR725型发动机,最大巡航速度为0.925马赫,成为继协和式飞机之后民用航空中最快的飞机,在速度0.85马赫时航程可达13000公里,比G550多了1000多公里。







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