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published in(发表于) 2016/8/28 10:30:31 Edit(编辑)
11 km-h, driverless bus in Finland Helsinki road,

11 km-h, driverless bus in Finland Helsinki road,(时速11公里,无人驾驶公交车在芬兰赫尔辛基上路,)



11 km/h, driverless bus in Finland road in Helsinki-Finland, the bus-IT information

Recently, a small unmanned bus is Finland´s capital Helsinki on the southern section of Highway operation. Reporters twice at the test site to participate in trial experience.

22nd at about 10 o´clock in the morning, a method of China´s domestic "EasyMile EZ-10" for micro-electric car pulled into the station, after several passengers waiting for the vehicle to start. But the flight attendants told everyone to be patient and wait for a while, because it was parked at the roadside, interfere with the driverless bus to run.

The bus without the driver, but with one crew, attendants can open a manual steering if necessary to avoid accident risk.

After a while to a trailer, the illegally parked car opened, driverless bus to boot normally.

The morning of 26th, press again. The smaller buses within the limited space, only 6 seats, in addition to 6 people, not the cockpit. Although up to 40 km per hour, but only 11 km/h during a test.

Testing interval is a speed limit of 30 km of highway, much lower speed than the speed limit. Tired of following vehicles, saw the opportunity to pass from the side. When there is a lateral pass, passengers can feel the driverless buses automatically slows down.

Flight attendant explained, drone of laser sensors that can detect objects close to the bus, but could not identify are vehicles or pedestrians, automatic deceleration is an "instinctive" reaction.

Bus station platform for testing on the shaft there is a warning sign that says "when the vehicle left the station, do not stay in the platform". Driverless buses as long as there are objects on the probe arrived at, on passenger car does not start by default.

The test project Hali·sangtamala, head of the Xinhua News Agency said a major feature of the test is to make driverless bus to run on an ordinary Street. At present, the driverless buses at the bus system attempts to run all over the world were rare.

Santamala said that Finland law does not specifically require a motor vehicle must have the driver, which makes the driverless bus operation in a real environment possible. On July 15 of this year, Finland´s Transportation Safety Board approved a driverless bus in Finland road.

This test also Finland provides an open platform, enterprises can use this platform for unmanned vehicles to develop new products and services. Nokia is one of the participating enterprises, Finland media, Nokia plans to provide unmanned vehicle network communication security.

Santamala said that the drone instead of the traditional public transport bus, not in a short time, but they "can be added to public transportation."

Soon after, driverless bus will then proceed to two Finland main cities-Espoo and Tampere to test. Nordic winter cold, complex road conditions, this bus will face a more severe test.

时速11公里,无人驾驶公交车在芬兰赫尔辛基上路 - 芬兰,公交车 - IT资讯


22日上午10点左右,一辆法中国国产的“EasyMile EZ-10”小型电动汽车驶入车站,几名乘客上车后等待车辆启动。但乘务员告诉大家还要耐心多等一会儿,因为有人在路边违章停车,干扰了无人驾驶公交车的运行。












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