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published in(发表于) 2017/1/6 16:41:23 Edit(编辑)
Peking Union Medical College Hospital: “inhaling smog in the body and the lungs cannot excrete“ have no scientific basis,

Peking Union Medical College Hospital: “inhaling smog in the body and the lungs cannot excrete“ have no scientific basis,(北京协和医院:“吸入身体和肺里的雾霾无法排出体外”无科学依据,)



Peking Union Medical College Hospital: "inhaling smog in the body and the lungs cannot excrete" have no scientific basis-haze-IT information

Recently, a "harmony is a doctor" about the haze in the Twitter and micro-letters mad. On January 6, the Peking Union Medical College Hospital has published on its official Twitter real name real name Union experts, Associate Professor of respiratory medicine Tian Xinlun says "inhalation of body and the haze in the lungs always come out" there is no scientific basis.

Recently, this article micro-letter in friends circle fire has: "turned: I today to Concord hospital Minister hospital at listening to that of doctor said: we Chinese General on fog haze lack cognitive, are not note protection, as not with anti-fog haze masks, not Hat, scarf, gloves and so on (best wear hat of down jacket), inhalation body and Lung in of fog haze forever row not out, and erosion body and lung, General 10 or more than 20 years only onset (have lung cancer, emphysema, Lung big bubble, tracheal disease, asthma......, body weak of soon have lung cancer). The doctor said: especially when she saw the adults took the children out into the street after she adore their kids, child trachea short breath into the lungs more smog than adults, in erosion lungs forever. She says if you have to take the children out, some more than 200 more a month can change a filter mask, wear a feather hat. Home to wash hands right after the nose, wash hands, down jacket flapping outside ... .... Adults, too (says lung cancer). We must pay attention to. ”

Today, Beijing Concord hospital in officer micro-for has rumor, the hospital breathing medical of Tian Xinlun associate professor said, "inhalation body and Lung in of fog haze forever row not out" of claims is no science according to of, currently of research showed that, fog haze on chronic respiratory patients has exact effect, recommends: 1. in fog haze days reduced outdoor activities; 2. out Shi wearing has protection function of masks; 3. reduced high strength of movement; 4. in indoor installation air purification device or air system.

"As children pipe short, so call in the lungs more smog than adults", "200 Yuan for filter masks work better", really is it? Wan Weilin, an associate professor of Pediatrics said that lung structure is similar in children and adults, and lung capacity less than adults, so there is no inhalation of dust more than adults. Mask protection does not depend on the price, but because of their quality, the degree of sealing, barrier related to PM2.5. Wan Weilin, an associate professor of the recommendations are: 1. the smog protection in isolation, protection of young children, in smoggy weather to minimize the child out; 2. indoor air cleaners to keep the air fresh.

北京协和医院:“吸入身体和肺里的雾霾无法排出体外”无科学依据 - 雾霾 - IT资讯





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