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published in(发表于) 2017/1/2 6:51:00 Edit(编辑)
Chinese engineer said the haze in Northern natural gas heating, experts do not agree,

Chinese engineer said the haze in Northern natural gas heating, experts do not agree,(中国工程师称天然气采暖加剧北方雾霾,专家不认同,)



Chinese engineer said the haze in Northern natural gas heating, experts do not agree-smog and air pollution-IT information

Hong Kong media said a retired senior Government engineer said, power plants using natural gas to generate electricity and household gas heating does not help to solve environmental problems, but will result in a haze. The engineer of the research results have been forwarded widely in the social media.

According to Hong Kong's South China Morning Post, December 28, 2016, the experts said, increasing the use of natural gas to cope with air pollution is correct, but need to install device can absorb moisture and water vapor produced by combustion of natural gas has played an important role in the formation of smog.

But the Ministry has questioned the results of the expert, said his conclusions are wrong.

On the occasion of this debate, earlier this month, most parts of North China are shrouded in thick smog, which is mainly caused by the power plant to power heating system in the winter.

MWR retired cadre, said senior engineer Li Chongxing, burning natural gas produces large amounts of water, the water vapor is mixed with the air pollutants in the smog would be generated. He estimated that Beijing every day burning natural gas produces only enough to fill a small reservoir of water vapour.

His study was published as early as 3 years ago, but in recent weeks was widely forwarded on the Internet.

Li Chongxing warned that government neglect dealing with water issues is likely to make a costly "coal to gas" project to no avail.

He said to the reporter: "the latest round of smog have confirmed my prediction. "He said:" if we are able to recycle water vapor gas boiler house chimney, we can not only reduce the harmful gas produced, and the principle of thermal cycle can also be used to improve the efficiency of the boiler room. ”

He said: "some universities have to upgrade their natural gas heating system. Regrettable is that the Government still turn a blind eye to this problem. ”

The Beijing Municipal Government said Beijing winter burn more than 1 million cubic meters of natural gas per day, in cities around the world, Beijing is second only to New York, the world's third largest natural gas consumption in Moscow city.

Li Chongxing said the high usage of natural gas means that one-third of humidity in the Beijing smog comes from the combustion of natural gas.

A few days ago, held a media Ministry of environmental protection, and invited several mainstream scientists. Their main point is that synthetic gas is only a small percentage of moisture in the atmosphere, probably only one of the hundreds of thousands of points. These experts believe that such a small percentage could not be the main cause of smog formation.

But Li Chongxing think artificial ratio of water vapour in the atmosphere in Beijing are likely to be far higher than the meteorologists estimate.

Germany marks-researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Earth, says Dr think Li Chongxing moisture leads to smog there under. He said: "the more moisture in the air, the more prone to chemical reactions. ”

But he did not agree with artificial moisture is a major cause of Beijing smog. He said, "compared to natural gas, synthetic gas is too small. Factory exhaust fumes and car exhaust are behind the haze of a murderer. ”

中国工程师称天然气采暖加剧北方雾霾,专家不认同 - 雾霾,空气污染 - IT资讯
















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