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published in(发表于) 2016/12/24 2:14:00 Edit(编辑)
Zhou hongyi exposes Ma taught himself how to speech: only three classical words,

Zhou hongyi exposes Ma taught himself how to speech: only three classical words,(周鸿祎自曝马云曾教自己如何演讲:只讲三句经典的话,)



Zhou hongyi exposes Ma taught himself how to speech: only speaks three words of classic-Zhou hongyi, speech, MA-IT information

In the Internet industry, 360 Zhou hongyi, Chairman of a "outspoken" red Cannon image, the outside world have added to their verbal skills and public speaking skills are also appreciated, but Zhou hongyi 360 media appreciation banquet to be held in Beijing this evening to the media, admits that McCain himself was not born to say, it is totally being forced out, is the result of a long practice. In addition, Zhou hongyi also disclosed for the first time, in the early period of pioneering, MA also has taught how to conduct successful speech tips on stage is one of only three sentences, it must have been impressive and very classic in three sentences.

Zhou hongyi said in speech at the appreciation dinner on stage, the outside world thinks his glib, it seems that this is a natural ability, but it is not. "In the early 360 had no money, had to keep coming to light, the founder, kept publicity to the outside world, this long-standing practice was getting better by his eloquence. ”

"I started not to speak, not to lecture. "Zhou hongyi blew, it also makes a lot of jokes, one of the embarrassments and Ma ...

Zhou hongyi said as early as in 1999, her early start might have been fooled, spent 2 million Yuan are sponsoring that year held in Switzerland Davos "25 young talents in the world" Forum and was told to perform on stage presentation an hour to promote Internet safety advocates to award young talent, then this group out of Ma. "My PR team to prepare a thick stack of little speeches, I also full of favor ready to speak on stage. ”

But then Zhou hongyi found is not the actual case. When he started staging, and moderator of the Forum Klaus Schwab (founder of the World Economic Forum) but tell him only minutes. In order to access to this rare and expensive speech, Zhou hongyi was very nervous, holding a microphone like grim death, while Schwab is on one side and grab the microphone, very embarrassing. "Feeling into a farce, I remember he was in the audience laughing. ”

However, after the end of the Forum, Zhou hongyi entertained when Ma, MA told Zhou hongyi: "the presentation skills of a successful one, came to claim their only three words, but these words must be very classic, so as to make an impression. ”

Zhou hongyi jokingly recalls his idol Zhang forgetting words when worked in a public lecture at 5 minutes, this gave him a great deal of courage. "Even the big guys like Charles would forget the word, so I myself have no such fears for speech. ”

Ma Chiang contracted tuberculosis, with Zhang out embarrassing "encourages", Zhou hongyi has emboldened his speech there. Jack Ma, especially bearing in mind the speech "only three classic" the secret, public speaking and speech within the company in the future, he is doing so, slowly achieved very good results.

"Ma's speech was born! "In the face of his former" master ", Zhou generous praise estimates also do not forget your kindness.

周鸿祎自曝马云曾教自己如何演讲:只讲三句经典的话 - 周鸿祎,演讲,马云 - IT资讯










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