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published in(发表于) 2016/8/28 10:30:40 Edit(编辑)
Beijing restaurants push the red envelope “reward“ system: to tip in a disguised form,

Beijing restaurants push the red envelope “reward“ system: to tip in a disguised form,(北京多家餐厅推红包“打赏”制:变相要小费,)



Beijing restaurants push the red envelope "reward" system: Tip-red envelopes in a disguised form, tips-IT information

With the rise of the red hair, the city introduced more and more restaurants "tips" mechanism if the waiter felt satisfied, customers can scan QR codes to pay "gratuity". For the new model, no tipping habits of Chinese consumers generally expressed revulsion. The Beijing Youth daily reporter learned that individual restaurant implementation tips from voluntary to ask, after consumer complaints restaurant has an emergency stop. In this regard, the Chinese cuisine Association and members of the association with all due respect, rewards customers must be established on a voluntary basis, improve the quality of food and service stores are operating King.


Restaurant tips consumer gone bad not great store stop

Zheng last weekend eating beans fishing square in Xidan joy city, at the checkout, the waiter presented a red envelope to her way of helping star rating. Although 4.56 Yuan cost was not high, but Zheng and boyfriend expressed disgust.

Zheng said, often came to the guests, she get to meet in the near future for her aunt in blue cleaning services staff services, is going to pay when the staff said: "we need to award service stars, if you think I'm nice, can sweep me QR ' tips ' to support me? "Subsequently, Zheng scan QR code only to find, through micro-payments 4.56 Yuan. "Then look carefully around the QR code wrote there was a small amount, but aunts, staring at us scan code, sorry finish cleaning no longer refuse. "Zheng says.

"Even if the tour cost is not high, but we don't have to give the ' tip '! ”

Xidan store beans fishing square supervisor said the cleaners can do the waiter, "tips" are not mandated, consumers can choose not to tour. Beijing area manager Qian Ou explained that the tour is a new service of the industry management, beans fishing square in June this year trying to "reward" form to Zhongguancun in Beijing and Central shops for the pilot. Purpose is to strengthen the interaction and improve service. "Our internal requirements not offered to consumer tips, but in the process, consumers express some misunderstanding of staff, resulting in dissatisfied customers. ”

Yesterday, green newspaper reporter called beans fishing square in the North found that the store really has stopped playing tour on Sunday.


Several well-known chain restaurants "tips"

Late last year, a company called "long ago" kebab shop detonated this mode of service tips. In the restaurant long ago, waiters can get 1000 to 2000 per month, depending on their "money", has also been underwater fishing and Nishigai beverage giants such as study and reference.

"If you are satisfied with my services, please call tours of 3.99 Yuan. "Yesterday in the sea the Sun Palace Mall store, every Member of the staff of the Hall, including employees, Manicurist, chest wearing a circular badge on the left side, in addition to the above, the coat of arms of the two-dimensional code with a waiter in the Middle head, consumers simply scan the QR code on the plate with the app you can pay fixed tips Tips for 3.99.

According to a sea-waiter introduced reward system has been implemented for a year or so, the tip is entirely staff all without pay into to restaurants. "Privately, in fact we would occasionally talk about who gets the reward. Once there was a pack of more than more than 10 guests recognized waiter service and got turned down give her rewards. "The enviable smile waiter. She said the coat of arms in addition to chest, sea does not allow staff take the initiative to introduce this mode of tips to our customers, "usually only the customer asks, we explain. ”

North Green newspaper reporter visited restaurants found currently store referral reward system and the amount of tips varies. Such as kebab shop a long time ago the reward amount is fixed per 4.56 Yuan. At the West Palm-you-face trial within just half a month ago tips, single 3 Yuan each, are currently limited to employees or subordinate tips, will open in the future.

Other stalls in Nanjing, checkout staff will take the initiative to introduce diners to reward system, 3 ounces for a 10 Yuan voucher.

Consumers: not domestic consumption of habit

Not all Diners can receive in this way, many consumers said that waiters introduce tips when dining mode, they would directly inform the waiter politely interested.

"Tipping is not Chinese people's eating habits, this tips tricks, that is where guests pay more. "Wang said his reward will be billed consumers" not cold "," some good restaurant service is featured, enterprises should go through the internal incentive reward, why do we have to pass on to their customers? Waiter service was not bad, but also not enthusiastic enough to make me want to play the degree of reward. ”

Another consumer stated that this is derived from the Western tip of "tips", both in terms of the wages of service personnel or cultural level in the country has its unfairness. Wage formation, in a number of countries have tipping customs, constitute different from domestic services wages, tipping is an important source of revenue, so we should respect their work, tipping beyond reproach. But domestic, catering trade service workers ' wages are usually made up of basic salary + performance, catering fee is included in the service fee, should not pay, even if it is voluntarily for consumer "rewards" is unreasonable.

"Staff are women, their tips badge is worn on the chest, phone brushed myself a tour up close, made me feel very embarrassed. "Another diner said Mr Guo. Bei Qing newspaper reporters learned, however, the first to introduce kebab shop a long time ago of tips has the attendant chest of two-dimensional code, move to the arm.


Support: Tips for industry promotion

China cuisine Association President Feng En aid said in an interview in 1956, before the public-private partnership, the old restaurant has traditional tips, such as the plot of the first floor, there is this, Diners enjoy the coppers down in two cabinets in bamboo, sound snapping people face. Shop money distribution according to angle, not only for the waiter, Cabinet, and stove, runners must be evenly distributed.

Now restaurants pop up tips, Feng En aid that this is an emotional show Diners in contemporary society, it is not surprising that can take its course, "Chinese cuisine Association also concerned about this phenomenon, and many food and beverage companies also hope to strengthen the interaction between consumers and restaurants, consumer evaluation, just like a taxi software also function like the red hair. ”

Opposition: Quality service is a business obligation cannot take the initiative to ask for tips

For currently part restaurant launched of "playing tours" waiter of new activities, China elimination method Institute Deputy Secretary-General, and consumers network Editor Chen Yinjiang said, customer to restaurant dining is paid meal fee of, meal fee in the has contains has dish products, and waiter of service and restaurant of necessary overhead, costs, and restaurant for consumers provides quality of service is businesses should do of obligations, consumers not need again for service pay.

Now, the restaurant launched the "rewards" should be to encourage staff to provide consumers with better quality of service, this "tips" the key who initiative. If the waiter to ask customers for "tips" and interfere with the customer's dining, consumers can complain to the business.

He suggested that some businesses had offered before the waiter to provide quality services to customers to post smiley faces or stars, business daily top service star, by businesses to reward employees, this way both to avoid suspicion of a disguised consumption and stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff.

北京多家餐厅推红包“打赏”制:变相要小费 - 红包,小费 - IT资讯





























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