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published in(发表于) 2016/12/2 10:20:38 Edit(编辑)
Secret United States manufacturing false news “farmer“: a monthly income of tens of thousands of dollars,

Secret United States manufacturing false news “farmer“: a monthly income of tens of thousands of dollars,(揭秘美国制造假新闻“专业户”:月入数万美元,)



Secret United States manufacturing false news "farmer": a monthly income of tens of thousands of dollars-IT information

Beijing, December 2, according to foreign media reports, in the United States during the presidential election, fake messages often become media headlines. Now, the social network announced that it will strictly prevent uploading false information. However, who deliberately scam is, and what were their motives?

Jiesiting·keleer is a Disinfomedia in charge of the company, the company has specialized in the manufacture of fake news site, he declined to disclose how many such sites.

In the United States during the presidential election, fake messages often become media headlines. Cornell is one of the fake news producer, he published some fiction, but it is believed the false news.

For example he made up two years ago in the United States can use food stamps to buy cannabis in Colorado reports throughout the world. Although it was a purely fabricated lie, but soon after, a member of Parliament in the State to submit proposals, called for a ban on using food stamps to buy marijuana.

Cornell, 40, is married and is the father of one child. From 2013 for why he started making fake news issue, he explained: "I want to have an interest for the far-right movement Web site. Aim is to publish false news, then points out that these are purely fabricated. ”

At present, its Web site has 25 to 30 authors. Cornell said that he was surprised that, during the campaign, his "false news", particularly for the investigation of Hillary Clinton emails scandal has United States CIA agents were killed in fake news, and actually get a high click-through rates on social networks. Website says the sensational news from Denver, guardian, in fact, is not the newspaper.

Cornell said, "people are willing to hear such news. I am making all content: whether in the cities, people, Sheriff were CIA agents. Our social media editorial readers who deliberately locate yutelangpu supporters and Trump forums, resulting in fabricated stories spread like wildfire. ”

For Web site operators, click-through rates rise more, Web site content more interesting. 2 other manufacturing related to the Los Angeles Times admits, author of false news, with advertising income, their website monthly income of between 10,000 to 40,000 dollars.

"Facebook" and Google has announced that it will ban advertising with a false story on its Web site. As the United States Democratic Party member of the Cornell do not believe his dissemination of false news can make Hillary Clinton's defeat, he believed Hillary Clinton was not a good candidate.

揭秘美国制造假新闻“专业户”:月入数万美元 - IT资讯










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