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published in(发表于) 2016/6/4 6:50:51 Edit(编辑)
Who won the Rio Olympic Games? Gree beauty is noisy, the truth in this,

Who won the Rio Olympic Games? Gree beauty is noisy, the truth in this,(到底谁中标了里约奥运会?格力美的吵翻,真相在这,)



Who won the Rio Olympic Games? Gree beauty is noisy, the truth in this-gree, midea, air conditioning-IT information

Sponsors of the Games Award and high exposure was named by the major brand manufacturers contend, before major air conditioning enterprises for "only" winning Rio de Janeiro (hereinafter "about") Olympic air conditioning company the identity debate.

Bid only gradually became "Rashomon", the industry believes that, for naming title of fierce rivalry was behind air conditioning high industry inventory, companies will have to elevate brand awareness by leveraging marketing way.

Air conditioning in the Olympic bid Rashomon

On May 10, Dong media push an article entitled the gree air conditioning fully into the Rio Olympics, Ronaldinho, and Bailey is gree fan article, the paper announced for gree air conditioner fully settled in Brazil the Rio Olympic venues, in air conditioning in many competitive brands to the fore.

Immediately (May 11), the central air conditioning also drying out its list of Rio's Olympic bid, central air conditioning for 10 new projects identified by the United States of 100%. In addition, it also revealed that at 10 venues in the tendering process, endorsement, LG, Daikin, participating in the bidding.

Another domestic brand--chigo air conditioning air conditioning again announced his early bid for Rio Olympic Games, media coverage was seen in "chigo air-conditioning winning games."

To this end, the reporter for the China business newspaper, please call three companies for verification. Among them, chigo air conditioner responded by saying: "he is winning the Rio Olympics, 20000 sets of split-type air conditioners in Rio will be located in the Olympic village. But the air conditioning is not a brand, but aims high as a producer for other brands of air conditioning air conditioning. ”

The funny thing is, chigo air conditioning also reporter for the China Business Journal said: "we are not the only bidder, did not want to get involved in their (midea, Gree) in a war of words. ”

By contrast, gree responses are full of confidence. Brand said: "gree bid is absolutely true. Gree not winning, not to mention other domestic air conditioning. "But when asked, at the Basiaux Park can produce how many orders the bid details, said spoke.

Meanwhile, the gree electric appliances (Brazil) head said: "gree bid a total of 15 venues, is the only brand with 100% settled in the Olympic Games in China-made products, only products covering competition venues, the Olympic village, media village, supporting establishments such as hotels and airport projects types of brands, only one home air conditioners and central air conditioning into the Olympics-related projects of the brand".

"These 100% are independent of gree air conditioning brands, while only 30% 's own brand of beauty. "The foregoing persons said.

Originally, the United States in 2004 and began working with carrier. Then both set up a household air-conditioning venture in China, and in India, and Brazil, and Egypt, the Philippines established distribution joint ventures for household air conditioning.

When the independent brand into the United States, and America have told the China Business Journal reporter clarified that: "beauty brands: there are definitely specific bid will then held a news conference to explain. ”

Immediately, reporter in beauty of then provides of a copies central air conditioning bid description in the displayed, 9th, and 23, and 24, and 25, and 26, and 27, and 29, and 30, and 31, and 33, and 34, and 35, and 36 field Museum of bid who for open Lee air conditioning, but beauty of think is its and open Lee of joint venture company bid; 1, and 2, and 3, and 4, and 5, and 6, and 7, and 10, and 36 this several venues is is wrote Midea VRF and open Lee common bid, Midea VRF for beauty of brand of more online. While the rest of the stadium won the bid to be 8th, 27th, York air conditioning Daikin, Trane, Traydus LG bid separately, 28th, 32nd and 37th venues.

Worth noting is that tenders does not appear in the entire central air-conditioning gree "GREE" English abbreviations.

For this, but insiders told reporters to the Pedra da gávea mountain near the Olympic village and venues have assembled home air conditioning photos, to prove the truth of its bid. Asked whether he can assemble a picture that offers central air conditioning, central air conditioning not currently disclosed, will be released the end of follow-up projects.

From domestic to abroad

For such a bid battle in Sparks, home appliance industry veteran observer Liu Buchen analysis said: "people have a logical: to enter top competitions product, must be top quality. ”

Liu Buchen concludes gree not Brazil ceding huge orders overall beauty of the Olympic Games. "In other words, that may be the case: the United States won the Brazil Olympics project air conditioning in most of the orders and are central air conditioner; gree get air conditioning in a small number of orders, and is dominated by home air conditioning. "Liu Buchen said.

Veteran industry observers Liang Zhenpeng believes that Olympic Park venues large type and quantity of air conditioning are required. Only one air conditioning enterprises won the bid less likely. Midea, gree probably won, but their publicity-diameter focused.

For winning the event is nearly two years behind the tearing open of domestic air conditioning high inventory and price wars.

By the end of 2015, air conditioning industry stock topped 40 million units, only inventory is enough to sell a year. And Aiken, air conditioning and refrigeration networks data also showed, in 2015 the domestic production of household air conditioning 103.85 million units, down by 12%, cumulative sales of 106.6 million units, down by 8.6%.

Downturn in the environment, even if your giant green small decline in performance. According to the gree electric appliances in 2015 report data show that last year, gree electric appliances revenue 97.745 billion yuan, down 29.04% over the previous year, net profit of 12.532 billion yuan, down 11.46% over the previous year. Among them, the air conditioning business annual revenue of up to 86% per cent down 29.48%, exacerbated the negative impact of weak air conditioning market. Gree electric appliances after 3 years of continuous growth, instead of achieving the 2015 revenue 5 years recreating a "gree", but fell to the 2012 level.

America also could not escape the environmental impact. In 2015, midea air conditioner product revenues 64.49 billion yuan, total revenues of 46.58%, air conditioner sales fell 11.3%, but its gross margin was 28.25%, an increase of 1.3%.

Today, the domestic air conditioner market nearing saturation, the midea and gree have to put fuel into the overseas market. In 2001, the gree Brazil building air conditioning plant, at that time regarded as overseas markets by gree developed benchmarking. Ten years later (2010), the United States through a joint venture with carrier into Brazil, with two large factories, while the production of central air-conditioning and air-conditioning.

"But the United States and gree air conditioning on overseas share is relatively low. Air conditioning in foreign markets or by Trane, York, carrier, Daikin, brand-led. "Veteran industry observer analysis of Liang Zhen-Peng of the China Business Journal reporter said:" the same beauty and gree's bid publicity hype is confined to home, is for people to see. In a two-year process, tend to weaken the influence of other brands, and strengthen their brand. ”

"Now the overall performance of the market downturn, in a State of imbalance between supply and demand in the market, air conditioning price into decline, for air conditioning giant beauty is a huge challenge and gree is expected in 2016 air conditioning market is still bleak, does not eliminate the possibility of more aggressive price war. "Liang Zhen-Peng said.

到底谁中标了里约奥运会?格力美的吵翻,真相在这 - 格力,美的,空调 - IT资讯














随即,记者在美的随后提供的一份中央空调中标说明中显示,第9、23、24、25、26、27、29、30、31、33、34、35、36场馆的中标者为开利空调,但美的认为是其与开利的合资公司中标;1、2、3、4、5、6、7、10、36这几个场馆则是写Midea VRF和开利共同中标,Midea VRF为美的牌的多联机。而剩下的8号27号场馆中标者为是约克空调;大金、特灵、Traydus LG分别中标28号、32号和37号场馆。


针对此,格力的内部人士则向记者发来了其在Pedra da Gávea山附近的奥运村和场馆外已经组装好的家用空调图片,以证明其中标的真实性。而问及是否能提供中央空调的组装图片时,其表示中央空调目前不便透露,后续工程结束会陆续公布。












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