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published in(发表于) 2016/11/24 9:57:12 Edit(编辑)
5G standard has been established: smarter cities how far is it from us? ,

5G standard has been established: smarter cities how far is it from us? ,(5G网标准已确立:智慧城市离我们还有多远?,)



5G standard has been established: smarter cities how far is it from us? -IT information

5G technology in the initial stage, which, in addition to speed up Internet access speed, will also bring the Internet of things, and smarter cities technology improved.

In discussion of 3GPP 5G short code program, recommended by Huawei PolarCode (polarization code) established as the 5G control channel eMBB scenes coding solution. Prior to this, LDPG identified as proposed by Qualcomm's 5G long coding solution.

Compared with only voice and data services 3G, 4G, 3GPP defines 5G three involved in the scene for their businesses to open up a wide range, from ultra high flow mobile broadband services such as HD video to a large Internet operations and unmanned low Shi Yangao reliable connections needed, to industrial automation business, can 5G easily. As one of the basic technology, the development of the Internet will promote smart city development.

Explore the smart city

"Intelligent city" was first proposed by IBM, in 2008, the IBM company business focus from hardware to software and consulting services, and the "smarter planet" concept, both by equipment sensors, bridge, tunnels, roads, power grids and other facilities connected to the goods.

Edinburgh Napier University Professor Mark Deakin Husam Al Waer and Dundee University Professor pointed out that definitions should be consistent with the four aspects of the Smart City: apply a wide range of electronic and digital technologies to communities, use of ICT technology changes within the region and city living and working environment, the integration of ICT into government systems and ICT technology and enhanced creativity.

But for "intelligent city" a precise definition, in the exploratory stage. At present, the "intelligent city" is a common understanding through ICT (information communication technology) as well as IoT (IOT) in hospitals, food medicine, optimize ticket management of urban facilities and programs, build new urban form.

"Smart city first of all is to turn the city into an efficient intelligence system, it's not an APP, or WiFi coverage to resolve. "Communication expert Xiang the first financial reporters.

Construction of the system as a whole, wisdom requires technical perfection and get through the city, which requires large-scale enterprises. "In the world there are many different networking technologies are localized, similar to the PHS technology such as in the past, will eventually die, Huawei will go according to standards. "Huawei's products and solutions, says Zhang Shunmao, President of Huawei in the layout of the smart city will focus on the ICT technologies.

Major new ICT platforms and narrow-band Internet technology into industry. Huawei's global narrow-band Internet technology, the advantage of resources open channel 180K frequency disturbance and instability. "This technology outside of narrow frequency, relative to the use of 3G network, 4G network, can provide connection speeds of 100 times. "Zhang Shunmao told reporters, President of Huawei's products and solutions.

It is understood that the company Smart City solution right now in more than 40 countries, more than 100 cities build smart city. According to incomplete statistics, in 2016, Huawei bid more than more than 20 Smart City project in China, signed a strategic cooperation with 43 cities, French implementation of smarter cities covered by the Intelligence Chief, safe city, wise medical wisdom, wisdom, wisdom Park transportation, education, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent street lights and other fields. Huawei cloud data center solution for the city's more than 40 Charter operations to provide virtual data center services.

Four challenges

In 2015, the Ministry of housing and the Ministry of science and technology announced a third group of countries list of Smart City pilot, plus the first two published city, at present, the national Smart City pilot reach 290.

Growing numbers of the other side, is the depth of real progress was unsatisfactory. Some scholars point out that, at present, smart city is from 2.0 times into 3.0, however, command has encountered big challenge in the actual landing.

Technically speaking, smarter cities now face great challenge mainly urban sensing, data fusion, application build, and four aspects such as safety and security.

In recent years, the increased proportion of Huawei r, r 30% for exploration engineering under the ice, including chip method, materials, cooling, all links.

According to the Ministry, China's IMT-2020 (5G) Working Group on deployment, as well as the three carriers 5G commercial plan, China will start in 2017 5G network phase II testing, large-scale group network in 2018, and launched in 2019, based on 5G network construction, 2020 officially the fastest commercial 5G network.

"3G, 4G in the past, we work things out, is to make the network faster and faster, while the 5G in addition to speed, and can reach a wide deep cover, with low latency, low power, to further promote the development of Internet technology. "Xiang told reporters.

In establishment of smarter cities, differences between China and Europe programme, major reconstruction starting from top-tier, first from Europe and start small, gradual transformation.

Therefore, the intelligent city in the actual landing, often because the coordination is difficult, costly process is affected.

Reporters learned that currently are involved in the smart city for urban management system for technical transformation, the transformation requires large capital costs and risks.

The national Smart City pilot 2014-summary report, Smart City pilot project in China faces lack of innovation, funding difficulties, the evaluation system and criteria problems such as, insufficient awareness of smart city high part pilot cities, also remain in the urban informatization level alone.

Unified construction and coordination of smarter cities share many problems still exist. Some pilot projects lack top-tier design and overall co-ordination, synergy docking difficult, repetitive construction and information still exists.

Xiang believes companies can play a role in this one. "For 5 billion for environmental protection departments to establish air detection system in China is difficult, but will monitor the product to market, so as to collect the appropriate data to predict, so that we can solve technical floor issues. ”

5G网标准已确立:智慧城市离我们还有多远? - IT资讯






爱丁堡龙比亚大学教授Mark Deakin与邓迪大学教授Husam Al Waer指出,智慧城市的定义应符合四个方面:将广泛的电子和数字技术应用于社区和城市、利用ICT技术改变区域内的生活和工作环境、将ICT纳入政府系统以及将ICT技术与个人结合增强创新意识。



















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