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published in(发表于) 2016/11/23 4:36:45 Edit(编辑)
Block chain technology: more than coins, Wal-Mart will be used to track the food supply chain,

Block chain technology: more than coins, Wal-Mart will be used to track the food supply chain,(区块链技术:不止用于比特币,沃尔玛将用来追踪食品供应链,)



Block chain technology: more than coins, Wal-Mart will be used to track food supply chain-IT information

Beijing time on November 23 messages, block chain technique used in coins has gradually come out of the financial sector. Now, Wal-Mart is prepared to use the technology to track the food supply chain and identify and recall tainted products.

In essence, block chain is a CAPTCHA block Lian data to the General Ledger. Verification code for each data block before the reference one, thereby creating a continuous full chain. Because of this, all data chunks will always be in accordance with the order preserved when they are added, provides a built-in validation system. More importantly, the block chain does not need to be stored in a single location, but can be dispersed among different computers, but can still keep a record of interconnected.

This technology was first used to ensure the safety of remittances, become the currency of the underlying technology. But other industries have also recently begun to use this technique. For example,IBM in February this year to provide enterprises with chain of blocks as a service (blockchain-as-a-service), aimed primarily at the logistics industry, especially in the food supply .

Central to this philosophy is that food from farms to factories, and eventually on the shelves can be tracked. Using tags and sensor will block in the General Ledger records the location, temperature, and other statistical data.

Wal-Mart in October this year with IBM and Tsinghua University tracked from the farm to the shelves of pork. Wal-Mart in the United States used the block chain technology to track packaging products. The company's hope that when the problem occurs (such as occurred during the transport of meat contamination) to quickly find the affected product, and for the first time and recalled.

"It so that they may understand the process from source to finished product. "Market research company NPD analyst maxieer·Kehan (Marshal Cohen) said," If the outbreak of Escherichia coli, they also may be the first to find sources. This is a huge improvement. ”

For Wal-Mart the retail businesses that serve 260 million customers a week, efficient tracking system can also help the cost of saving a lot of money : avoid wasted no problems because of the precautions to be taken.

Wal-Mart this week with the latest news of the pilot project update. "Is proceeding smoothly, in line with expectations. " The company's Vice President of food safety fulanke·yanasi (Frank Yiannas) said. If pilot project continues to be successful, Wal-Mart is also planned in China and the United States will block chain technology for more food.

区块链技术:不止用于比特币,沃尔玛将用来追踪食品供应链 - IT资讯






“这使之可以了解从源头到成品的过程。”市场研究公司NPD分析师马歇尔·科翰(Marshal Cohen)说,“如果爆发大肠杆菌,他们也可以第一时间找到来源。这是一种巨大的提升。”


沃尔玛本周更新了这个试点项目的最新消息。“目前进展顺利,符合预期。”该公司食品安全副总裁弗兰克·亚纳斯(Frank Yiannas)说。如果试点项目继续取得成功,沃尔玛还计划在中国和美国两国将区块链技术用于更多食品。

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