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published in(发表于) 2016/10/26 3:59:00 Edit(编辑)
Uber drive truck first successful shipment: shipped 50,000 beer run 100 miles

Uber drive truck first successful shipment: shipped 50,000 beer run 100 miles(Uber自动驾驶卡车首次运货成功:运送5万罐啤酒跑完100英里,)



Uber drive truck first successful delivery: deliver 50,000 cans of beer running 100 miles-IT information

According to foreign media reports, the morning of the 20th of this month, a giant trailer with 18 wheels truck loaded with 50,000 cans of Budweiser beer up the road in Colorado Springs. If normal, it is a common view in the busy morning, but today the Big Mac is different, because it is used on automatic driving technology. Meanwhile, it is also automatic driving a truck transporting goods on the road for the first time.

The Volvo's large trailers filled with cameras and sensors, it is Otto company a member of five test vehicles in August of this year the new company was just acquired by Uber. From behind the weigh station in Fort Collins, the big guy in the absence of any cases of human-mediated ran 100 miles.

"This week, the city of Colorado Springs, someone could drink drive trucks with Budweiser (beer was also marked by the automatic driving vehicles)," said Anheuser-Busch saimubote, Director of company logistics strategy. "This is really cool. ”

Otto co-founder Lille, said officials from the Colorado Department of transportation involved in the trip planning and monitoring automatically driving the whole process. Meanwhile, trailer travel, has been Colorado's patrol followed. Testing throughout the trailer with an average speed of 55 miles per hour (approximately 88-kilometer/h). Lille said on patrol would consider such a giant safe to complete the course is a miracle.

Otto was officially established only in January this year, at first, they only have 40 employees, but these people are from Apple, Google and companies such as Tesla's technology, Daniel, their goal is to change the existing mode of trucking, truck drive replace hard driver. Above Lille, was founded before the Otto is head of Google maps.

When talking about the new owner, Uber, Lille kalannike is very excited for this test, but he is not meddling in the work of Otto, Otto's team still has plenty of autonomy.

Unlike Google, Otto does not design their own trucks, they just automatically drive Kit for retrofitting existing cars. This automatic drive Kit includes two camera responsible for road departure warning, one responsible for scanning laser radar 3D environments, two are responsible for detecting obstacles and the front-mounted radar sensors and a GPS sensor. To be sure, Otto in the line before the test ran 25 times for accurate planning on testing lines.

Lille said their ultimate goal is to make trucks safer. "94% of the accidents are caused by human factors. "Lille said. Automatic driving, trucks still can save large amounts of premiums and improve fuel economy.

However, in the current legal framework, autonomous vehicles also attended. Lille believe that this technology can let the driver passenger side get a good night's sleep, to ease the fatigue of long distance driving. Of course, its ultimate goal is to eliminate the truck driver.

Lille said: "our test will also continue to develop in the future, Otto's truck will also turn on all types of highway, they adapt to the weather conditions and challenges of different modes of transport. ”

Uber自动驾驶卡车首次运货成功:运送5万罐啤酒跑完100英里 - IT资讯











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