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published in(发表于) 2016/11/7 22:30:11 Edit(编辑)
Drones fly in Wuhan City, in the pedestrian street sub red raised the struggle,

Drones fly in Wuhan City, in the pedestrian street sub red raised the struggle,(无人机飞入武汉闹市,在步行街撒红包引发争抢,)



Drones fly in Wuhan City, in the pedestrian street sub raised red grab-IT information

Say "pie in the sky", but on November 5 in Wuhan Optics Valley Street, pie scene was "staged"!

At 7 o'clock, when reporters rushed to Valley Street, and spilled red envelopes have already left the scene, but seen from the photographs taken at that time: a drone hovering in the air, and throw down a lot of red envelopes, attracted many onlookers.

Reporters public onlookers from the scene confirmed that evening, the square did have aircraft sprinkled envelopes, in red envelopes filled with money, a lot of people grab.

However, reporters on the scene did not find picking up red people, and because the party has left the scene, unmanned sub red envelope's real intent is not known, but sub red envelopes, some masses to express their views.

Some onlookers believe that drone sub red envelope is still very new in the way of innovation. And the crowd does not agree with this approach. Think if it is a personal feeling is in wealth, if you're a corporate, a lot of people here, Rob, prone to accidents, should get a promotion.

Valley Street Department investigation, said after throwing red envelopes are not street merchants, for security reasons, they advised the parties the first time after the incident.

According to the pedestrian street of Wuhan Optics Valley Department in charge, drone on with QR codes. However, they did not know what exactly to do. After receiving the masses at that time, Department of safety and security staff found the party and told to do activities need to be reported to the parties, street can be designated a safe area in advance. Because the operation is not reported in the us, Department of safety and security then let the organizers of the action left.

Now some personal or business blog eye weird glitches, in this regard, the central China Normal University Social Sciences Professor Mei Zhigang said, if you're a corporate marketing, the marketing is clearly negative. In any case, marketing should first consider their behavior may have on public order and public safety impact. Downtown drone spilled red envelopes are inappropriate, looting local disturbances on the ground should be subject to inspection by the relevant Department.

Unmanned sub bonus video: Click here to watch

无人机飞入武汉闹市,在步行街撒红包引发争抢 - IT资讯










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