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published in(发表于) 2016/8/8 16:10:58 Edit(编辑)
P2P company exodus Shanghai, high-end office vacancy rate rose,

P2P company exodus Shanghai, high-end office vacancy rate rose,(P2P公司大批撤离上海,高档写字楼空置率攀升,)



P2P company exodus Shanghai, high-end office vacancy rate rose-P2P companies, Shanghai, the financial center-IT information

Hong Kong media said, according to the main estate agent said the next 18 months, the city will have a large number of vacant office space, because many lenders from the market, vacancy rates are pushed to new highs.

According to Hong Kong's South China Morning Post reported on July 27, Savills property services group Senior Director of Shanghai commercial real estate Kali·Zheng: "e-lending industry tenants extensive withdrawal of high vacancy rates. ”

He said: "the market faced pressure because exceeds, in 2017 and later this year there will be new supply. ”

The China economic weekly reported recently, Shanghai's financial industry last year by more than 10% new demand for Office space from the online lending industry.

Reports said, the Government had hoped the industry could be outstanding examples of innovation and development of China's financial services, many businesses choose Office space in some of Shanghai's most prosperous city. But recently, the national network against lending fraud led to a large number of leases suspended.

Recently, 72/f, Shanghai world financial center Shun wealth management limited in Shanghai earlier this month closed due to the police investigation of the legal representative.

Knight Frank real estate agency said Ji Yanxun, head of greater China research and Consulting Division, Shanghai officials now hope to attract other types of financial services companies return to the central business district, especially the Pudong Lujiazui.

But he worries that many companies in the sector are both emerging enterprises, may not be stable or long-term tenants.

According to Colliers International, the real estate services company's latest figures, the average rent of CBD grade a office buildings in Shanghai dropped 0.5% in the second quarter, fell to 10.3 Yuan per square meter a day, directly reflects the loss of many top Office tenant.

Savills, Zheng said: "since 2009 new supplies next year and reach the top, far exceeds the demand, actually this is more worrying than the Internet lending problems. "He added that earlier this year completed the Shanghai Tower will be the tallest building in China, but still 30% the site vacant.

Colliers International estimates this year, Shanghai's central business district will be nearly 1.5 million square meters of new office space coming into the market.

Savills predicts that second half of the year, Shanghai grade a Office vacancy rate from 7.6% to 8.4% in the first half, and in 2017 to reach 13.3%.

But analysts point out that, in the long run, their demand for Office space is still positive, as Shanghai continues to develop as a rival Hong Kong as a financial centre.

Knight said Ji Yanxun, more manufacturing companies may move out, but he wanted to be downtown Shanghai attracted increasingly becoming the center of banking and finance, will replace the current influx of financial service firms to these companies.

P2P公司大批撤离上海,高档写字楼空置率攀升 - P2P公司,上海,金融中心 - IT资讯















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