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published in(发表于) 2016/10/25 8:04:53 Edit(编辑)
2016 Q3 sales of smartphones in China: OPPO, VIVO reverse hits, Huawei, millet is third, fourth

2016 Q3 sales of smartphones in China: OPPO, VIVO reverse hits, Huawei, millet is third, fourth(2016年Q3中国智能机销量:OPPO、vivo逆袭,华为、小米排第三、第四名)



2016 Q3 sales of smartphones in China: OPPO, VIVO reverse hits, Huawei, millet is third, fourth place-IT information

According to foreign media reports, the third quarter of this year, China has once again won the throne of the world's largest smartphone market, while the major manufacturers there have been dramatic changes in the rankings. Market research firm Counterpoint Research data shows that top Huawei vivo full by OPPO and beyond.

The third quarter of this year, OPPO and vivo successful beyond the traditional Chinese brands Huawei and millet, which ranked OPPO market share reached a record 16.6%, while the market share of only 9.9% in the same period last year. Number two market share slightly behind vivo, at 16.2%, while its market share over the same period last year to 8.8%.

Once brand of China native millet have now slipped to last, market share is only 10.6% in the third quarter of this year, and it also holds a 14.6% market share over the same period last year. In the international market have been chasing Apple, Samsung, Huawei, fell to third place in the country, its market share is 15%.

OPPO is invincible in the single sales, the company's OPPO R9 dominate the Smartphone market in the third quarter of this year, even the iPhone is no match for it. Meanwhile, VIVO through offline channels advantage by virtue of its flagship X7 and achieved good results. Analysts said: "the OPPO and vivo's success is based on its dense Cobweb traditional offline channels, stores sell machines accounted for three-fourths of the total sales volume of the two brands. As for Huawei, may be with the upcoming release of a new flagship Mate 9 again to regain lost territory. ”

When it comes to millet, analysts believe its existing sales network model has met bottlenecks, millet's biggest weakness is the feeling did not exist online. In addition, the millet will also need a super flagship sincere enough to re-establish their brand image.

2016年Q3中国智能机销量:OPPO、vivo逆袭,华为、小米排第三、第四名 - IT资讯

据外媒报道,今年第三季度,中国再次蝉联世界最大智能手机市场宝座,同时各大厂商的排名也出现了剧烈的变动。市场研究机构Counterpoint Research的数据显示,此前排行榜首的华为这次被OPPO与vivo全面超越。



在单机销量上OPPO也所向无敌,该公司旗下的OPPO R9统治了今年第三季的智能手机市场,连iPhone也不是它的对手。同时,vivo也借助线下渠道优势凭借旗舰机X7取得了好成绩。分析师认为:“OPPO与vivo的成功主要靠的就是自己密如蛛网的传统线下渠道,门店中售出的机器占到两个品牌总销量的四分之三。至于华为,则可能会凭借即将发布的新旗舰Mate 9重新收复失地。”


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