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published in(发表于) 2016/3/9 10:20:26 Edit(编辑)
Human-computer game war in the offing, Google: Li Shishi-win probability is 0,

Human-computer game war in the offing, Google: Li Shishi-win probability is 0,(人机围棋大战即将上演,谷歌:李世石赢的可能性为0,)



Human-computer game war in the offing, Google: Li Shishi-win possibility for 0-AlphaGo, Li Shishi, go-IT information

On March 8, Google duel AlphaGo Li Shishi press conference following the end of Sina in front of reporters in Korea Seoul Seasons Hotel met Chinese chess national team coach Yu bin at the gate. In cool weather, Yu bin they looked worried, he told us: just get Google News, according to Google engineer's estimate, Li Shishi winning probability is 0.

Competition soon, Li Shishi, and AlphaGo who won and who lost, also was in the cast of a stone. After all, before the 9th playing both, and Fan Hui AlphaGo of professional players and learn from the only one. Two players stand, and make people feel vaguely the mark.

Fan Hui, playing chess and AlphaGo feel like there is a wall in front. Li Shishi, AlphaGo may not like the game before, chipping away at opponents number only themselves and their mangqi under -and that is exactly the same training methods of AlphaGo.

Yu bin's "inside information" some sensational, but Google's Eric Schmidt, Chairman of parent company Alphabet (Eric Schmidt) showed at the press conference are ultra-low profile. Schmidt said that no matter who wins or loses, is actually the human victory --30 years ago, artificial intelligence development experienced a downturn, but now in image recognition, language translation, video testimonials are widely used, even up to and human chess game – he never thought this would become a reality in our lifetime.

Press releases issued, and users in the comments section are happy: watching others leaders speak more in place. We in front of journalists at the press conference after hearing the words behind the music: "find the steps too obvious, there appears to be no confidence. "Who knows what behind DeepMind founder dimisi·hasabisi (Demis Hassabis) get yourself a step:" AlphaGo no instructor, human and machine learning in this regard you will be a huge advantage. ”

But perhaps the biggest step was from Li Shishi. Even though he still believed that human level is stronger than artificial intelligence, but he said that, after you know AlphaGo has a similar intuitive judgment, felt a little nervous . " I'm afraid I beat it 5:0 to a little neighborhood . "On avoiding errors, human machine will always feel the mark.

Compare with caution, SINA journalists two days ahead to reach the two Korea media counterparts, but are strongly on the human side. We reach Korea Shi, take Korea go website Wu Guo Mingao, Director of the network of the car to the hotel. On the highway from Inchon to Seoul, President of Guo smokes, asked us to Ke Jie is true and called "Tesco" chess under the program. When he learned that Ke Jie after verbally expressed interest, even called "boring". He feels that Google's challenge to go brings a high level of attention, any sign of trouble will be the focus.

But when we asked which side he prefers, Guo did not hesitate to choose the Li Shishi, Director: "go Board is too big," as a PhD in computer science, he also participated in a go program development, "computer level to reach this level. "But even so, he said Korea will soon announce its own game artificial intelligence.

Another like-minded peers in the media is Xinhua's Korea correspondent Jin Jingdong. He felt AlphaGo training equivalent to level chess player and chess, actually increase is very small. "Li Shishi's chances even more. "He said

Li Shishi level attention to media go fry pan. Conference questions about Li Shishi, even Korea journalists directly to questions of life and death go circle facing out. "Human represents" a recognized counselling: " artificial intelligence is beyond humanity faces problems of our time, maybe not this time, but it is inevitable in the future . ”

When told Chinese reporters in an interview in the afternoon, hassabis "with the level of discussion" of doubts gives explanations. AlphaGo a total of 18 different versions. When self-discipline, "the parties" is used to choose out of different versions. However, this interpretation seems to be unable to eliminate doubt: different versions of the game at essentially the same level around.

On the day of the dinner, Schmidt repeated once hoped that artificial intelligence would make "more intelligent, better world" vision. SINA in front of journalists also met Yu bin. After a round of drinks, Yu bin faces relax: "write programs as though they did not know who wins or loses. ”

Related reading:

Human-computer game war in the offing: 3 minutes to teach you to read go

人机围棋大战即将上演,谷歌:李世石赢的可能性为0 - AlphaGo,李世石,围棋 - IT资讯




俞斌获得的“内幕消息”或许有些耸人听闻,但谷歌母公司Alphabet董事长埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)在新闻发布会上表现出的却是超低姿态。施密特表示,无论谁胜谁负,实际上都是人类的胜利——30年前,人工智能的发展经历过一次低谷,如今却能在图像识别、语言翻译、视频推荐方面被广泛应用,甚至达到了可以和人类对弈围棋的地步——他从来没想过这会在有生之年成为现实。

新闻稿发出来,评论区里的网友都在乐:看人家领导说话多到位。我们前方记者在发布会上听到原话之后也在后面乐:“台阶找得太明显,看来没自信。”谁知道后面DeepMind的创始人迪米斯·哈萨比斯(Demis Hassabis)也给自己找台阶下:“AlphaGo没有导师指导,人类学习在这方面和机器比是个巨大的优势。”










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