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published in(发表于) 2016/10/24 8:22:14 Edit(编辑)
Priscilla on the $ 3 billion charity: Zuckerberg worked with happiness with her husband,

Priscilla on the $ 3 billion charity: Zuckerberg worked with happiness with her husband,(普莉希拉·陈谈30亿美元做慈善:与丈夫扎克伯格共事乐无穷,)



Priscilla on the $ 3 billion charity: happiness-IT worked with husband Mark Zuckerberg news

A lot of people are saying and love of people working together is a good idea. However, mixed in with work and love does not always break a heart thing. Social network Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) and his wife Priscilla (Priscilla Chan) may be the model in this regard, they will work and love are integrated together.

2016 held in Fortune magazine's most powerful women Summit, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Chen xielier·sangdeboge (Sheryl Sandberg) tells the story of her and her husband "initiative Chen·zhakeboge" (Chan Zuckerberg Initiative) charities working in the scene. The charity was founded by the couple in 2015, the agency that operates independently of, its mission is to invest US $ 3 billion at the end of the century to study various diseases, find the recipe for prevention and treatment.

"To tell you the truth, we work experiences is very interesting, we all have a lot to learn from each other. "She said.

"We are complementary. We urge each other more deeply about the problems we face. "Chen said.

Chen said Zuckerberg to help with her laser-like focus on their goals, never deviated from their mission. Chen helped Zuckerberg more detailed background information about their missions, as well as the related people and culture. This Zuckerberg is not without help.

"We push each other in a different way to each other. Although sometimes you may feel sick, but the whole experience was fun. ”

普莉希拉·陈谈30亿美元做慈善:与丈夫扎克伯格共事乐无穷 - IT资讯

很多人都说与相爱的人在一起共事并不是一个好主意。但是,将工作与爱情混在一起并不总是叫人心碎的事情。社交网络Facebook的创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)和他的妻子普莉希拉·陈(Priscilla Chan)可能就是这方面的典范,他们将工作和爱情很好地融合到了一起。

在《财富》杂志举行的2016年最强女性峰会上,陈对Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)讲述了她与其丈夫在“陈·扎克伯格倡议”(Chan Zuckerberg Initiative)慈善组织中共事的情景。这个慈善组织是由这对夫妇在2015年创立的独立运行的机构,它的使命就是到本世纪末投入30亿美元资金用于研究各种疾病,找到预防和治疗的良方。





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