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published in(发表于) 2016/10/23 10:54:21 Edit(编辑)
Korea Mobile videotaping women privacy problem: toilet, dressing room was the hardest hit,

Korea Mobile videotaping women privacy problem: toilet, dressing room was the hardest hit,(韩国手机偷拍女性隐私问题严重:厕所、试衣间是重灾区,)



Korea Mobile videotaping women privacy problem: toilet, dressing room was the hardest hit-IT information

Information on IT because some people have a special hobby, candid female privacy became an underground industry. This addiction stems from curiosity and hunger, but the way these people they want is established in violation of the privacy of the women on the basis of people despise. Korea's problems are very serious in this regard, especially smart phones come out later, criminals commit the crime becomes more handy, public toilets, photographed by the dressing rooms and escalators has become the hardest-hit areas.

According to Korea official data from 2010 to 2014, the Korea because the camera was arrested for videotaping people increased from 1100 to 6,600, however this does not seem to play a deterrent role. In order to more forcefully to combat such acts, Korea Seoul set up a special squad to combat videotaping crimes, used a hand-held detector search for secret cameras in public restrooms throughout the city. Not only that, but Korea also requires cellphone must be able to send in photos of the camera shutter sound, Apple iPhone also has special firmware to prevent elimination of a shutter sound.

But since Android open permissions system is high, so there are many applications to remove camera shutter sound, which provided convenient for videotaping crimes. The problem in Korea is more common, and "guerrilla war" against difficult, so far it has not made more progress.

韩国手机偷拍女性隐私问题严重:厕所、试衣间是重灾区 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 由于某些人有特殊的癖好,使得偷拍女性隐私成为一项地下产业。这种癖好源于猎奇心理和性饥渴,但这部分人满足自己欲望的方式却是建立在侵犯女性隐私的基础上,让人不齿。韩国在这方面的问题就非常严重,尤其是智能手机问世后,不法分子作案就变得越来越得心应手,公共厕所、试衣间和自动扶梯成为了偷拍的重灾区。



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