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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/9 6:41:47 Edit(编辑)
Brush what phone, you can’t concentrate on work,

Brush what phone, you can’t concentrate on work,

Brush what phone, you can't concentrate on work-mobile control, circle of friends-IT information

In the process of completing a piece of work, why should we suddenly stop to do something else? In fact, we don't even know should not switch back and forth between multiple things (or worse, switching back and forth between work and browse friends).

It is a mystery of modern office life. To this end, the MesiterTask developed a application to keep track of people's work, to better understand how distracted at work.

At present, this issue has not been fully studied. Research results show that in the past, we focused after each interruption nearly 15 minutes . Until the last few years, scientists began trying to answer the following questions: why do we engage in multiple tasks simultaneously, this kind of harm?

Also busy with many tasks will be adversely affected. University Department of computer equipped with task by tracking tool, scientists have confirmed this. It also helps them to obtain first-hand information, that is how students spend their time.

In previous studies, we know that the students estimate that they can concentrate on the job at a time 5 minutes. If the 5-minute attention span is too short, then the pilot gives worse results. In reality, average student focus only 31 seconds.

Here is concentration of attention is whether to keep students in the learning process models. Blue represents a time, while the red represents the student time to use your circle of friends and other social media. This looks very well?

Happen not because students don't want to learn. School curriculum does take up a large portion of students, but the students still cannot resist the temptation of circle of friends and other social media. As the researchers noted: "use your circle of friends is cause people to switch back and forth in a different task, so busy with multiple tasks simultaneously the key reason. ”

Your brain wants every 31 seconds to view a circle of friends, even though the brain know we should do . This brings us to a question: can you stop the brain impulse to want to see social media?

The answer is Yes. Here are 5 tips to avoid processing multiple tasks simultaneously. This will help you focusing on the same task in a long time, and finish the job.

1. using its own inertia: to use your circle of friends and other intrusive activity barriers

Although the situation is not optimistic about the focus, but many people are hoping to avoid subjective continue to switch to something else. In the study, for the 60% case, people are reluctant to switch to a new task. Switched to a new task may be cumbersome, obviously people are not willing to do things that trouble.

This means that you can set a number of obstacles, makes it more difficult to click the circle of friends, or circle of friends block installed in a browser tool.

2. from the hard work begins

If the work is difficult, so we will usually insist on a long time. This is because, we know that hard work requires creativity, and we need to be cautious.

Blogs siweizeke·taile (Swizec Teller) several years ago in a blog post, said: "working from a large abstract systems require you to remember everything, it's like expensive Crystal to build a House. If someone came to your House will collapse and become fragmented. ”

Therefore, you can start with the most difficult tasks. Maybe you can write on a computer screen for the reminder: "from the hard work begins."

3. thrill for task training

In the course of work, going to work in every possible way. Scientists say demand for excitement helps to overcome inertia. In programming and writing blog posts, for example, developing a new feature or finish an article may be difficult. However, not many people stopped work to wash the dishes. Washing dishes may be simple, but relative to the program is also very boring.

Work and devotion is to avoid being more simple tasks, such as browsing Instagram photo, an effective way to divert attention.

4. think about what your priorities are

Research shows that once you shift to a more simple tasks, such as browsing Instagram photo, so it's hard to leave. You know, the job at hand is more important than Instagram, for example, something must be done before Friday. Unfortunately, the human brain does not act rationally at times. Many traffic accidents have shown that, in IM messages after you attract, people might not be too concerned about the situation on the roads. But it is clear that road safety more important than the message.

However, if we force ourselves to do high-priority work, then the brain will be more focused. In short, this approach is in accordance with the priorities to get the job done, the distractions aside.

5. the disturbing close notice of application, especially when these notification beeps when

In his study on distraction, one of the most important findings is that notification is sometimes "culprits".

Research shows that adding visual reminder will cause distraction to the user the probability of 30%. If this reminder is also equipped with a beep, then the possibility of distraction again by 12%.

If you want to be reminded of important tasks, then it is good. But if such a reminder was just a friend sent a photo of a lunch in Instagram, then there is no doubt that not much use.

Therefore, users should be careful to select which applications are allowed to send notifications, as well as open source for the Salon.

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