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published in(发表于) 2016/10/23 10:54:18 Edit(编辑)
Fake Microsoft security software Hicurdismos available: the installation interface is official, open on the blue screen,

Fake Microsoft security software Hicurdismos available: the installation interface is official, open on the blue screen,(冒牌微软安全软件Hicurdismos问世:安装界面很官方,打开就蓝屏,)



Fake Microsoft security software Hicurdismos available: Installer is the official open blue screen-IT information

IT information news on October 22, Microsoft TechNet blog posting, warn users to beware a malware called Hicurdismos, which will disguise themselves as Microsoft Security Essentials official security software, users download and install the blue screen after.

This malware is very similar to the installation interface and Security Essentials, very confusing, the user after the installation is complete, it is revealed, showing a fake blue screen of animation, and then blackmail the user.

Blue screen will display a phone number for the user to contact technical support, and then call the so-called technical staff will be asked to make a payment. But the malicious software has vulnerabilities, download the file called Setup.exe rather than Security Essentials official name and, in addition, the software only to 1MB.

If a user accidentally download and install this software, you can use Windows Defender to remove Offline, the entire process without networking.

冒牌微软安全软件Hicurdismos问世:安装界面很官方,打开就蓝屏 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 10月22日消息,微软官方在TechNet博客上发文,提醒用户小心一款名为Hicurdismos的恶意软件,该软件将自己伪装成微软官方安全软件Security Essentials,用户下载安装后就会蓝屏。

这个恶意软件的安装界面与Security Essentials十分相似,非常具有迷惑性,在用户安装完成后,它就原形毕露,显示一个虚假的蓝屏动画,然后对用户进行敲诈勒索。

蓝屏上将会显示一个电话号码供用户联系技术支持,然后在通话过程中所谓的技术人员将会要求用户进行付款。不过这款恶意软件也有漏洞,其下载文件名称为setup.exe而不是Security Essentials的官方名称,此外,该软件大小仅为1MB。

如果用户不小心下载安装了这款软件,那么可以使用Windows Defender Offline进行删除,整个过程无需联网。

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