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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:53:51 Edit(编辑)
Twitter,CEO West: regret no more exercise when he was young, and now ... ...,

Twitter,CEO West: regret no more exercise when he was young, and now ... ...,(Twitter,CEO多西:后悔年轻时没多锻炼身体,现在……,)



Twitter CEO West: regret no more exercise when he was young, and now ... ...-Twitter, Twitter-IT information

Beijing time on August 27, according to foreign media reports, for a need for people engaged in two listed companies, balance is critical. But if the companies name into Twitter and Square, things are not so simple, as CEO Jack Dorsey (Jack Dorsey) just now experiencing this kind of life. In fact, if he gave himself as a young man a piece of advice, he might remind ourselves: find a way to a healthier work-life balance.

"Young man, I didn't realize the value of physical exercise or health can bring, don't know if it will affect the intelligence. "Dorsey said. "I think if I had to find a balance in your life as much as possible, this would be very useful. I really hope that the past can be spent on maintaining good physical health care. ”

Now, the self-made billionaire has been in work and find a balance in life, he strictly adhere to a more reasonable schedule. He said: "I want to have a durable habit, and stick to it. ”

Multi schedule is as follows: at 5 o'clock every morning, about half an hour of meditation, then doing 3 sets of exercise, each group of about 7 minutes, and then begin the day's work.

He said: "healthy lifestyle makes me more creative, and I think more focused. ”

Successful people, love like he exercises quite a lot. Studies have shown that exercise can improve your memory, focus and mental agility. In addition, there are a lot of studies show that physical activity is changing lives one of the most important habits.

Twitter CEO多西:后悔年轻时没多锻炼身体,现在…… - Twitter,推特 - IT资讯

北京时间8月27日消息,据外媒报道,对于一个需要同时经营两家上市公司的人来说,平衡非常关键。但如果这两家公司的名字换成Twitter和Square,事情就没那么简单了,作为CEO的杰克·多西(Jack Dorsey)现在就正体验着这种生活。事实上,如果让多西给年轻时的自己提一条建议的话,他可能会告诫自己:找到一种更加健康的工作生活平衡方式。






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