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published in(发表于) 2016/10/7 8:15:21 Edit(编辑)
Wuhan, China a woman spending 40,000 to do genetic testing “cancer“: finished found that can’t read,

Wuhan, China a woman spending 40,000 to do genetic testing “cancer“: finished found that can’t read,(中国武汉一女子花四万做基因检测“防癌”:做完发现看不懂,)



Wuhan, China a woman spending 40,000 to do genetic testing "cancer":-IT finished finding read-gene test information

Take a tube of blood, simply measure what genes and measure risk so as to make effective prevention of cancer? A few days ago, Chen listened to gene-testing companies who lives in Valley of Wuchang publicity and spent 40,000 yuan to do a risk assessment of cancer detection, but after you get stunning: hundreds of pages long report covered with dense biological concepts, looking past only sees the "breast cancer", "gene", "drugs" these familiar words.

"Don't ordinary citizens, even the doctors or biologists who may not be able to read it. "Tongji hospital, Director of the gene therapy Center Professor Wang daowen respect, gene sequencing report if no one reading for participants is tantamount to a course. However, Wuhan, Wuhan evening news reporter visited a number of gene sequencing company found, whether thousands of people, or 100,000 yuan price packages, are "tube measuring whether saying", a heap of analytic grid to the customer directly. Not only that, some companies are not only known as "test all", but also character,, talent measurement, simply became "fortune telling artifact."

40,000 yuan to buy a book do not read the "double Dutch"

Gene sequencing of cancer risk assessment reports of exactly how hard to understand? Yesterday, reporter in Chen Miss on breast cancer gene detection of report Shang see, Chen miss altogether measuring has 20 a and breast cancer, and ovarian cancer related of gene, in "results description" in the is such wrote of: this sample not detection to has determine clinical meaning of gene mutation; this sample TP53 gene detection to miscellaneous collection sex mutation; this sample total detection to other gene change 14 at......

Miss Chen is a bit confused: what exactly does this mean? See "interpretation of results" she was more stunned, 3rd said: document 1-3 shows that correlation between Pro72Arg and breast cancer risk has significant 4th is completely the opposite conclusion: Pro72Arg is not associated with risk of breast cancer.

"Whether it will get breast cancer? "Detection of Miss Chen to call for her company, customer service replies" I don't know ".

35, Miss Chen is the Executive of a foreign company in Wuhan, thinks himself to be smart, not easily brainwashed, now regret: 40,000 yuan to buy a pile of paper. She told reporters that the mother was found to have breast cancer, she worried that she will pass the associate United States star Angelina Jolie has used gene sequencing methods to resist cancer invasion, plus the Valley is full of genetic-testing companies, large and small, she will move the heart. Measuring not only breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, took over, did not think it changed to a completely don't understand "double Dutch".

Life blood test a few drops into "fortune telling artifact"

"Gene sequencing is fire, a mess. "A insiders who asked not to be named told reporters that since 2000, scientists mapped the complete gene sequences of all 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human body diagram, some companies began entering the life without its great potential market. Apple founder Steve jobs and United States star Angelina Jolie's celebrity status is a must for genetic testing from the lab to the people.

China makes efforts to genetic testing companies, the biotechnology company in Wuhan is concentrated in the Valley of biological, according to incomplete statistics, at least BGI, the age of universal, and based, Hua Yinkang more than more than 10 lives large and small technology companies. Due 2014 national health family planning Commission, China has halted genetic testing projects, so they entered the Wuhan company is getting access to qualification.

The source said that year national moratorium on genetic testing project is the core cause of the vast majority of biotechnology companies and even the gene-sequencing products used in medical institutions such as diagnostic reagents, software is not registered through the approval of medical devices, "better not say at present."

In addition, journalists found that logo is an exaggeration of the inspection bodies, known as the "test all", especially on the Internet, claiming that genetic testing can do anything, as long as a drop of blood, not only predicting disease, alcohol, even the availability of puppy love, Internet addiction tendencies can be predicted. A company also launched the so-called "genetic testing on love and marriage", to help people identify with their own soul "sweetheart". These projects include not only enterprise, frugality, degree, anxiety, depression, personality factors, also containing sweets, coffee, onion and other lifestyle habits.

People from thousands of Yuan to 100,000 yuan price packages

In addition to the functions can do anything, genetic testing wide variety of prices, prices of different institutions vary. Reporters saw in the brochure of a company, most complete adult susceptibility gene detection of packages 300 kinds of diseases, all testing takes more than 20,000 yuan. Some companies charge by the detection of the number of genes, each of 300 yuan, according to the different types of detection of thousands of Yuan to more than 7,000 yuan package. In sampling techniques, to collect blood samples, some of which are collecting saliva.

By contrast, online genetic testing companies offer less. Reporters find a genetic testing company in the Internet, which is a genetic research center in Beijing, Shandong General Agent. Reporters from the advocacy page to see available on its Web site, this company for genetic testing of children has 5 categories, 28 for 4980 Yuan, also offers 91 male disease early warning genetic tests 98 major diseases and early warning genetic tests, prices are 6888.

"The most expensive package is 100,000 yuan. "Optical Valley, a Genomics company official told reporters that, besides, many medical institutions in carrying out its genetic testing business in Wuhan, such as Tongji hospital, the provincial people's Hospital, the provincial health center, zhongnan hospital. This year, the Red Cross Hospital of Wuhan City has launched to the public in clinical genetic testing and genetic counseling, test items include 23 species of cancer susceptibility genes and birth defects genes, drug therapy for cancer screening, health management, complete price is 100,000 yuan, for being too expensive, Wuhan no attempt.

Sequencing results interpretation is especially important

Exactly how many terrific behind the wide variety of sequencing projects? Many industry experts believe that gene sequencing technology will be closer and closer to people's lives, but to enjoy the benefits of scientific and technological progress and not a blind faith.

"Gene sequencing technology itself is not the problem. "Professor Wang daowen said, if it leads to a disease gene to be discovered, and early prevention or targeted treatment, you can be more effective. However, it cannot measure everything, but can't predict the fate, like addiction, love is clearly affected by the environment, such as the day after tomorrow, not directly from genes to the next generation. Now genetic testing is mainly used in three areas: targeted to diagnose diseases, to guide drug use, genetic counseling and research services.

Wang daowen said no specific gene sequence does not make sense, genetic testing is not recommended as a routine medical checkup at this stage. Many medical institutions to launch the "genetic physical" huyou ingredients are very heavy. He suggested that genetic testing apply to high-risk groups, particularly for those who have a family history of genetic, genetic testing is the diagnosis and prediction of disease and guide an excellent means of individualized medical care, for people without a background of genetic diseases, General genetic test meaningless.

"The sequence is not an end, reading is the key. "Wang daowen said, like Chen miss such spent big price is only get a this" hieroglyphics "of public many, investigate its reasons on is gene measuring sequence different Yu blood General, and urine General, detection, no numerical interval can for reference, so measuring sequence results of interpretation on is particularly important, and interpretation gene measuring sequence on talent requirements very high, both has biological medical direction of professional literacy, and on gene measuring sequence has depth understand. He disclosed that Chinese medical circles now can read the talents of gene sequencing results less than 5%. There are people in need of better trained medical institutions for testing.

中国武汉一女子花四万做基因检测“防癌”:做完发现看不懂 - 基因检测 - IT资讯






















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