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published in(发表于) 2016/7/21 8:46:59 Edit(编辑)
Bamboo can also be “planted“ in wine, worth burst over 50 times,

Bamboo can also be “planted“ in wine, worth burst over 50 times,(竹子里也能“种”出美酒,身价爆翻50倍,)



Bamboo can also be "planted" in wine, worth burst over 50 times times-bamboo wine-IT information

If the bamboo is also "species" of wine, it must be a very strange thing, but in Zhejiang Province, China Jin Bai Shui Jian Cun "bamboo wine" planting base, staff rely on bamboo-brewed wine, makes a not very valuable bamboo price sell for 50 times.

Planting base of staff in bamboo of young bamboo period on for its injected fine of sorghum wine, and rice wine, quality wine of dope, injected each root young bamboo 1 to 2 section bamboo cavity within, let young bamboo slowly growth, with with bamboo and wine constantly for physiological cycle, mutual Zhijian are in for each other purification, in 1.5 years zhihou bamboo grew up, wine also on led to, if has consumers need, staff on found has wine injected of that a section cut Xia will can packaging listed.

This very unique winemaking process control requirements of the wine into a large, each piece of bamboo up to inject one or two sections, too much can affect its quality, staff in promoting wine quality bamboo bamboo growing season to play their music.

This way make the wine is a necessary trace elements and has a delicate fragrance of bamboo, some health care functions by consumers, "kind of" bamboo wine can fetch up to 500 yuan each.

竹子里也能“种”出美酒,身价爆翻50倍 - 竹子,酿酒 - IT资讯





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