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published in(发表于) 2016/5/14 8:08:10 Edit(编辑)
Wolf loom over the Android camp, Apple iPhone why dare sell so expensive? ,

Wolf loom over the Android camp, Apple iPhone why dare sell so expensive? ,(安卓阵营狼群环伺,苹果iPhone为啥还敢卖这么贵?,)



Wolf loom over the Android camp, Apple iPhone why dare sell so expensive? Samsung S7,iPhone6s-IT-information

Undeniable is that early in the Android system, Android is actually pretty hard to use, then even the Android flagship, iPhone bad more than a body-length.

But as the years went by, Android has gradually caught up, they took pictures, battery life and personalized iPhone already completed lead, some even seen from the comprehensive strength has the strength of the iPhone off the throne.

Price, however, Android phones but did not show the Regal, which cannot help but remind us of a problem, loom over the wolves, why the iPhone could sell so expensive?

First price

In answering this question we come first than the dollar, domestic prices, 16GB iPhone6s 5288 is the official price and capacity upgrade, 800 expensive prices. 16GB iPhone6s Plus also performs the same price, but the price is as high as 6088.

Contrary, the Android camp carried the tripod for Samsung Galaxy S7, the 32GB version sells for $ 4888 Yuan, and the native support in 200GB expansion card (microSD cheaper). Galaxy S7 Edge price is 5688, the same built-in 32GB memory, but also to support expansion cards.

By comparison, the base model Samsung S7 400 Yuan cheaper than the iPhone, but if you look at configuration, iPhone resolution, battery capacity, body memory, camera and be fully compacted on the RAM, in addition, Samsung S7 also supports the Wireless charging, memory card expansion and IP68 proof.

And don't forget, S7, half a year, than iPhone 6s evening, when prices plunged in the late, both the price difference is even greater.

High price strategy still working

Someone will say iPhone in fluency and ease on to beyond the Android, but I'm afraid to say this person is older users An Zhuoji, and now Android has already changed, and Apple has certain advantages, but not from the former kind of overwhelming (iOS version is released so the bug a lot).

But for the many users who love to play, since Android is open source platform, it is, it can crush on personalized iPhone. While the iPhone is "no tossing" user favorites.

Of course, Android users envious when iPhone users, it is iOS upgrade. Of course, Android upgrade, but if you're not using Google Nexus Pro-son, then the wait time doesn't depend on Google. However, these factors alone will be expensive I am afraid there was something wrong with it.

Apple twisted strength

To say "cool" understanding, Steve jobs is a master. While the iPhone is a great success, in large part because it's cool. As often with star power in the limelight, high rates of iPhone, so it has become most of the "dream machine", its brand awareness and influence probably still none. For many people, the iPhone is not just a product, it is a pursuit of an ideal lifestyle, for the die-hard Apple fans, it is a kind of belief. United States journalists with LG G5 and S7 Edge has been the neighborhood, many also recognize that we have the machine is cool, but they still said he would not buy the Android machine.

While Apple ideas early, but peer pressure (the others I'll have to buy), expectations and clever marketing helped the company keep the iPhone's high price. Of course, compared with many luxury cell phone, iPhone is not expensive, but its price is truly some outrageous mobile phone of its kind.

Price fixing

IPhone can keep a noble price for a reason, and that is Apple's powerful control capabilities. Throughout the life-cycle of the iPhone, Apple never officially price discounts are few and far between.

Apple few dealers offering great wholesale discounts, iPhone's suggested retail price is firm. Thus, in the eyes of consumers, iPhone into a hedge, while An Zhuoji dive time will be deducted the King's name.

Cook's is famous in the industry inventory management guru, so Apple is very good at managing the dealer's inventory, they will not be much unwanted pressure. To be competitive, offers only from subsidies or a contract to start, but this will not affect the pricing of iPhone. In addition, news that if the dealers able to implement the strategy to control the price of the iPhone, they also got the Apple subsidies.

Fix dealers, Apple's official selling price so they won't become a basket case. Contrary, the Android camp, due to intense competition and price wars have become common, dealers scramble for more shirtless.


We are talking about here is not blind faith to Apple. IPhone has been nearly ten years since the birth, Apple can continue to maintain the iPhone's price by only a handful of beliefs is not acceptable fruit powder, Apple can create the miracle, there is real skill.

Apple has already proved their strength, they even convince users to your product just the phone. Get the profits after Apple and use the money to create a miracle.

Consumer confidence in Apple has created the company's success, and this Kingdom created not by Apple fans, but a normal user, after they used the iPhone, can't help but buy other Apple products.

And this trust allows dealers to resolutely follow Apple, because they believe, adhere to the strategy to control the price of the iPhone can be long.

安卓阵营狼群环伺,苹果iPhone为啥还敢卖这么贵? - 三星S7,iPhone6s - IT资讯





在解答这个问题前我们先来比比价,拿国内售价来说,16GB的iPhone6s官方价为5288元,而容量每提升一次,价格则贵出800。16GB的iPhone6s Plus也执行同样的价格策略,不过其起售价则高达6088元。

而反观安卓阵营的扛鼎之作三星Galaxy S7,其32GB版本的起售价为4888元,而且该机支持200GB的扩展卡(microSD较为廉价)。Galaxy S7 Edge起售价则为5688,该机同样内置32GB存储,而且也支持扩展卡。


而且别忘了,S7可是比iPhone 6s晚上市半年,如果考虑到后期的价格跳水,两者的价格差就更大了。






要说对“酷”的理解,乔布斯确实是个中高手。而iPhone能获得巨大成功,很大原因就是因为它酷劲十足。由于经常随着各种明星权贵出现在聚光灯下,iPhone的回头率很高,因此它也成了大多数人心中的“梦想之机”,其品牌知名度和影响力恐怕依然无人能及。对许多人来说,iPhone不只是一款产品,它更是一种对理想生活方式的追求,对死忠果粉来说,它还是一种信仰。美国记者也曾拿着LG G5和S7 Edge进行过街坊,许多人也承认这两款机器很酷,但他们依然表示自己不会买安卓机。












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