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published in(发表于) 2016/9/28 2:19:43 Edit(编辑)
Zhejiang seized four false order platform: 18,600 Taobao, mushroom merchants in connection with the

Zhejiang seized four false order platform: 18,600 Taobao, mushroom merchants in connection with the(浙江查获四个虚假订单平台:1.86万淘宝、蘑菇街商家涉案)



Zhejiang seized four false order platform: 18,600 Taobao, merchants in connection with the false order-mushrooms, Taobao, cat-IT information

CCTV reported on September 27, a few days ago, Zhejiang Provincial trade and Industry Bureau announced, through a six-month special enforcement action platform has now seized four false orders, the amount of money involved reached 120 million Yuan, merchants involved 18,600, and those businesses involved in Taobao, cat, mushroom Street and many other well-known e-commerce platform.

"False orders" against being fraud suspects were identified accounts

Police were investigating the alleged "false orders" shops tend to hold to luck, to get "false orders" to improve store popularity. In the face of strong competitive pressure, these stores start "rush drops medical service." However, the "praying mantis, and Siskin" is their "rush", was seen by some cheaters "fish in troubled waters" opportunities. We look at Zhejiang Jinhua shop encountered by business week's "false orders" against being fraud.

On March 18 this year past 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Mr Zhou hurried to the Punan, Pujiang County Police, claiming he was cheated for Taobao brushes reputation 598 Yuan.

Original victim to earlier this year opened a new shop, two months down, online popularity is not prosperous few people visit. One day in mid-March, Mr Zhou in the Internet just in time to see a message was released by Ali want want, said only 598 Yuan can store brush 5 and drilled. Mr Zhou, after some bargaining, by Alipay 598 Yuan into their bank account.

In these investigations, the river police, according to Zhou's bank card access to relevant information and found that across the country hundreds of people to make money on this card. Thus, the movements of funds on the card to become a focus of the police. Initial police judgment of the Huangpu River, which is a special use of brush Taobao reputation in online fraud scam group. Then, immediately through the Chinese Ministry of public security's anti-fraud Center stop platform quickly freezing the bank account involved, freezing the account there are more than 200,000 yuan.

After a thorough investigation, in the face of abundant evidence, suspect Hwang, down a suspected fraudulent acts confessed. According to the two people confessed that they had an Internet company in Guilin, Guangxi, the company staffed by dozens of people, by promising to give customers brushes reputation, increase online visibility as bait, specifically the implementation of online fraud.

"False orders" company swindling hundreds of "false orders" Taobao seller fraud

Zhejiang Jinhua shop encountered by business week for "false orders" against being fraud, at present, the river police have arrested 30 suspects, and 23 people have been detained, 7 of them were released on bail pending trial. The case is under further investigation. So, the claim to help people "false orders" exactly how Internet companies commit fraud?

It is understood that the fraud ring members on behalf of Anya in Guilin, Guangxi science and technology limited, on-line mass "quickly brush the credibility," "598 Pack your Taobao shop 5 diamonds" and other ads, attracting some wants to rapid promotion shop "prestige" Taobao seller fees. Taobao sellers after an initial fall, fraud ring and claimed that after you still need to register for a site account, transfers, 3000 people, they start to help brush the credibility. Cheated of Taobao sellers if they request transfer, store reputation reaches 5 drill it? Zhejiang police known as the "false orders Legion" Internet companies, in fact, are also not available for the Taobao store "quickly brush the credibility".

According to river police statistics, this case being swindled of Taobao sellers at least hundreds, these sellers cheated throughout China. However, cheated businesses come in very few rights and made a report to the public security organs, even some who are being cheated in police investigations when visiting or fear of being shunned. The reason is obvious, these being lied to is itself a Taobao seller, and they "spend money on false orders" approach is, in itself, Taobao is prohibited.

Businesses do not chance the observance of good faith management method

Think it through false orders such opportunistic means, let your shop into diamond store, and Crown shop overnight, rather than relying on excellent product, excellent service, down-to-Earth, step by step growth for high quality businesses. Of course, network consumption of any trap final consumers, so we also want e-commerce platform and related departments to strengthen supervision, when shopping online, consumers can buy with confidence.

浙江查获四个虚假订单平台:1.86万淘宝、蘑菇街商家涉案 - 虚假订单,淘宝,天猫 - IT资讯














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