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published in(发表于) 2016/9/24 16:18:47 Edit(编辑)
Secret of SpaceX Falcon 9th explosion: helium cryogenic system failures or due to

Secret of SpaceX Falcon 9th explosion: helium cryogenic system failures or due to(SpaceX揭秘猎鹰9号爆炸:或因氦低温系统故障所致,)



Secret of SpaceX Falcon 9th explosion:-induced by helium cryogenic system failures or SpaceX, the Falcon, 9th-IT information

September 24, Beijing time, according to foreign reports, space exploration company SpaceX said Friday that explode on September 1 static firing tests of "Falcon 9th" rocket debris and preliminary analysis of the data derived from this "Falcon 9th" rocket explosion may be related to arrows in helium cryogenic system fails.

On September 1, the United States at launch site in Cape Canaveral, Florida, SpaceX's "Falcon 9th" rocket exploded in static firing tests. Burn together with Israel, a company manufacturing Amos-6 communications satellites, communications satellites worth 200 million dollars, will become Facebook's first satellite Internet service, Zuckerberg "all Internet" ambitious plan began, this plan had to be postponed.

After the explosion, SpaceX company to United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), NASA and the United States air force immediately to investigate the accident.

"This stage of rocket fragments and preliminary analysis of the data shows that is a two-stage rocket liquid oxygen tank of helium cryogenic system there is a major fault. "SpaceX Friday said in a statement released on its website. However, SpaceX spokeswoman DexTorricke-Barton declined to trigger causes the helium cryogenic system fails, and said the company still might lead to investigations into a series of explosion.

SpaceX says, both the reasons why arrow of fire, but there has been adequate evidence to confirm that this incident with June 2015 ' Falcon 9th ' rocket exploded not associated. In June 2015, equipped with a "flying dragon," capsule "Falcon 9th" rockets in the United States at liftoff in Cape Canaveral, Florida. After about two minutes, which equipped the international space station resupply, "Falcon 9th" exploded.

On September 1 explosion "Falcon 9th" rocket, but caused some damage to launch pad, did not affect the core of the launch area. But SpaceX does not disclose related repair costs, and when the launching pad to resume use.

SpaceX spokeswoman added that damage to Launch Pad 40 will be repaired, but it is unable to determine when completed.

SpaceX plans to launch in November this year to restore the space, SpaceX now hands squeezed from commercial and government customers over more than 70 Launch orders, worth more than 10 billion US dollars.

SpaceX揭秘猎鹰9号爆炸:或因氦低温系统故障所致 - SpaceX,猎鹰9号 - IT资讯







SpaceX发言人补充说,受损的Pad 40发射台将会得到修复,但目前尚无法确定何时完工。


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