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published in(发表于) 2016/9/25 19:42:52 Edit(编辑)
The deceased had gone to, and sprayed survivors continue to suffer from network,

The deceased had gone to, and sprayed survivors continue to suffer from network,(逝者已去,生者继续忍受网络喷子,)



Deceased, who continues to endure network-network spray spray, cyber-bullying-IT information

The night of September 16, actor Qiao Renliang died at his home in Shanghai. In accordance with established practice, this thing makes Sina weibo a rumors, conspiracy theories and networking hotbeds of violence. But this time, because Qiao Renliang's death by violent attacks against two directors of the network size and yangwenjun are not "burst into tears" didn't choose an apology to avoid trouble, but to take legal action.

According to television Circle Magazine of reported, September 23 China TV Director work Committee on recently car diameter line, and yangwenjun, Director suffered for Qiao Renliang died raised of network violence event, released has a copies lawyer statement, requirements "released not real message of media and the personal immediately delete, shield for car diameter line Director, yangwenjun Director of insult defamation information", and said "as infringement behavior people not stop infringement or not avoid infringement damage consequences continued expanded, is this lawyer firm will accept right people further delegate, All liabilities shall be subject to malicious infringer. "

This statement by Beijing Yue Cheng law firm received the Chinese drama Director delegate of the Committee released, the statement pointed out that car size and yangwenjun Director in a year before the release of the microblog posts and there is nothing wrong with the comments just for criticism and adverse phenomenon in the industry are reasonable. "Diameter line directors as Chinese TV Director Deputy Secretary-General of the Commission to maintain integrity and artistic creation, production, and support Member the Director does not have any fault. ”

19th Qiao Renliang died, Twitter spoof on the Director Yang Wenjun, which diameter on September 21, 2015, according to a tweet, tweet said: "the last warning: an actor. Tomorrow to wrap. Are late once more, as a Chinese television Directors Association, I will denounce 400 directors of the Association and the industry. And will be reported to the administration of the application block. Home treatment of severe depression, not how many times you provoked the crew endure the bottom line reason! Review: support! Any disregard for discipline, influences artistic production and creative behavior will not tolerate compromise. ”

Combined with Qiao Renliang rumors of suicide because of depression, one think car size and yangwenjun of this Tweet criticism was Qiao Renliang, and besieged the two directors, saying they were "indirect murder" and threatened to "kill the car family size row."

Vehicle size then movie magazine explains: "on the death of Qiao Renliang, such a young life left in this way, I also feel very sad. Respect for the deceased, I don't want to say anything; some one unprovoked abuse, I want to endure it, has no sound. But the truth of the incident has been seriously distorted, some netizens human flesh and I even threatened to kill my family, this is going too far. ”

Track the line explained a year ago this Tweet causes: Yang Wenjun Director produced a play last year, Qiao Renliang frequently late, which affected normal shooting, after repeated invalid communication brokers, yangwenjun Association of directors were made by the group in the above text. However, taking into account the parties face, Yang Dao did not mention the names of the parties.

"As a TV Director, Deputy Secretary-General of the Association, I encountered such a situation forward was normal, and I didn't know who, Twitter did not mention names, was not the person. Artists working late, affecting the schedule, possibly hundreds of thousands of millions of damage caused by every day, this loss who is going to pay? Director's criticisms are not normal for you? Nothing is irresponsible. "Diameter line said.

But another victim yangwenjun Director said his comment is not easy, "but bargaining and brokerage company, will be the development of the situation to decide the next move. ”

Because Twitter does not allow the user to select delete account, current yangwenjun Directors has deleted all of the content in your own Twitter account, and Twitter name to a number.

Director Yang Wenjun have deleted all of the content in your own Twitter account

In this event, was attacked by cyber-bullying is not only the two directors, and Qiao Renliang and in the recently released film of the actress in our ten-year cooperation Zhao Liying. Due to "not to express grief at the first" friends Zhao Liying vehemently responded: "Qiao Renliang died, Zhao Liying why don't you die? "The replies received close to 3,000 praise.

"Not to do something" and attacked it sounds unreasonable, but this logic in the micro-blog is set up. Last year China held 70 anti-fascist war victory anniversary parade, Patriots, because Taiwan singers doing qi is not celebrating rose up in attack, apologize and forced Fan Wei qi.

Track the line's latest Tweet reproduces the Beijing times on "every word of your circle of friends, may in the future become the evidence presented" news, and called for the implementation of real-name system. This Tweet has received more than 20,000 pieces of replies, many of them dominated by invective.

But these online keyboard to some convergence of the upper lip, because now not only has the legislative follow-up, victim of cyber-bullying is no longer choose to swallow.

逝者已去,生者继续忍受网络喷子 - 网络喷子,网络暴力 - IT资讯
















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