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published in(发表于) 2016/9/25 19:42:35 Edit(编辑)
Secret terror Uber “ghost car“ why are there,

Secret terror Uber “ghost car“ why are there,(揭秘恐怖Uber“幽灵车”为何存在,)



Secret terror Uber "ghost car" why-Uber, drops-IT information

"Late night special trains, drivers head terrorist, or black eye black, or photo distortion, haven't reached the place, ended the order......", "ghost car" phenomenon of social concern. Recently, the China business newspaper reporters learned, these "ghost car" phenomenon has emerged in several cities, including Tianjin, Suzhou, Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai and other places, including Tianjin and Suzhou "ghost car" number and are in excellent (Uber) occurring on the platform.

Drivers told reporters, the recent "ghost car" was designed to scalp, the goal is to pull the new reward. Head portrait of a terrorist in order to circumvent the identification system. Except new subsidies reward higher subsidy of easy-to-use vehicle, was recently burst above steps, drops, but the car was easy to deny.

With excellent step and drop merge car status become firmly established in the market, subsidies are gradually reduced. Insiders pointed out that, in the future, the number will increase as purely entrepreneurial opportunities, such as scalping the market, subsidies, mainly, place of business will become more and more difficult. Consumer upgrade is typical of the differentiation strategy, people are no longer satisfied with quantity, but rather the search for differentiation. Therefore, future car market needs to improve service, find a new point of interest.

To pull the new award, the "ghost train" scalping

Recently, Tianjin's Zhang (not his real name) met with "ghost car". He told reporters broke, people step in Tianjin, orders were received soon turned into a complete itinerary, and twice. During this time, Zhang Ping see not even my car, only a minute or two in the process. Zhang Ping said, the driver's head is twisted, it feels terrible, but because preferences so you do not need to pay a lot of money, so I didn't care about.

Suzhou has recently frequently appeared "ghost car". Suzhou user lady complained to reporters, wrote and directed the driver from start to finish. Zhong Shi bridge in Suzhou by taxi drivers in the vicinity of North Central, relatively far from their own. Ms just wanted to cancel, but the client had shown "near the destination" drivers immediately after end of the trip, the fare and pulled Ms 9 bucks. Finally, Ms complained to the step platform, return fares of Ms.

"Ghost car" cases of not only these two, this reporter found that since August, Tianjin, Qingdao, Chengdu, Xiamen, Beijing, Shanghai, Zhengzhou, Suzhou and other cities have many passengers reported on the excellent platform suffered "ghost car".

"Every day I can hear the ghost car users have complained about. "An excellent step driver said in an interview with this reporter, the recent" ghost "haunts, are to pull the new reward. At present, the platform has a large amount of the reward, as long as the new drivers to pull over 20 business, regardless of 20 single bad review, recommend new drivers who can receive 300 yuan reward. "Brush 20 order 1 hour is over, it is very convenient. ”

In this regard, the reporter to step officials call, but as of press time, phone calls went unanswered.

Internet analyst Tang Xin pointed out in an interview with Xinhua, "ghost car" is a temporary administrative inadvertence, does not have much effect. According to one Uber former staff reporter leaks, step and drop early in the merger said, excellent client and drops the client will operate independently, but will stop its servers in China in October, and direct access to drop back, when the APP will become an empty shell.

Subsidies over the fire is still spreading

With the fall of drops for car subsidies, high-step, easy-to-use vehicle followed, began efforts to reduce subsidies. But for now, higher subsidies are easy to transport.

Recently, the media has reported, because easy-to-use vehicle subsidies are too high, easy-to-use vehicle losses is gradually expanded. Network an easy-to-use vehicle operating documents show that in May this year to each single net loss of 37, according to June announced "daily orders over 1 million orders" to calculate, easy to the average daily loss in the second quarter of this year the highest possible reach 37 million Yuan.

The data displayed in the above-mentioned documents, easy-to-use vehicle-related official said is not true. When in an interview with this reporter said the "pure rumors."

It says, first of all, easy to use car interior there are no this kind of business documents, "suspected forgery with intent to discredit the easy for a competitor to". Secondly, the omissions in the documents cited in the news, easy-to-use vehicle after three quarters of subsidies does not diminish, eco-filled return to big not small, costs have been 100% or 150% to the user feedback. Says malicious attacks against competitors in the near future, easy car reserves the right to pursue legal responsibilities. Public information, last October, to equity investment agreement as signed. After the transaction is completed, TV plus a $ 700 million investment 70% stake in easy-to-use vehicle, become the controlling shareholder of easy-to-use vehicle.

Zhihou, through subsidies, improve the market share of easy-to-use vehicle, launched the "filling 100 get 100 free" (in the year ending on June 30) and recharge cash sent letv mobile phone, TV plus TV and other activities, to get more drivers and users.

"Easy-to-use vehicle needs to get more active users, subsidy is the most simple and crude, the most efficient method. "The concept of think tank analyst Xu said in an interview with this reporter, is unable to confirm that the easy-to-use vehicle now because of subsidies and loss figures, but easy-to-use vehicle burning money very hard recently is a fact.

Tang Xin believes that market share leader remains in distance from easy-to-use vehicle, to head, formed through the subsidies must be scaled. From the social point of view, after all these subsidies is a service to the user, as long as the easy-to-use vehicle to control scalping, subsidies in favour of the market expansion.

Subsidy after age find new growth is the key

With the merge step by China to the last drop, before growing subsidy has been significant convergence of world war, recent drop ride, people have already announced a rise in prices. In the view of the industry, net about cars should take advantage of this opportunity to actively look for new interests point or models.

A famous driver told reporters, starting from mid-autumn day, every single step of the people range from 1.5 Yuan/kilometer up to 1.8 RMB/km, the duration from 0.25/0.35 Yuan mentioned minute/minutes. Easy to change from the second half of the previous pattern of simple cash top up cash back, in return with no apparent decrease in the case, introduced its eco-products, equivalent to easy to become like TV plus TV, cell phone similar to the drainage inlet.

It does to some extent, has reduced orders of car platforms. According to Analysys updated data show that in August, the reduction in monthly active users of more than 740,000 people, down nearly 5%.

Meanwhile, though the ministries on the net about the legal status of the vehicle to make the endorsement and then launched the network about a new deal, but reporters found, issued by the Ministry of transport network about new deal will net about the number of limited pricing power and handed over to the local government, proposed by local governments according to their agreement. This is reserved for a number of local rules for the implementation of control and the possibility of price guide.

Insiders believe that because of the relationship between local governments and taxi around interest groups more closely, most likely "overhead" new policies, led to the new deal from the network about "wedding dress" to "stick".

"Worthy of note is that the game between traditional taxi and on the Internet about the car, will to a certain extent, affect about revenues. "Tang Xin made it clear. But Internet analyst Wang Ruchen think, drops, Uber merger will reduce marketing costs, offsetting the revenue impact. NET platform should be actively looking for a new interest about car growth or models, such as social services will flow around the car, or the category expansion.

Public information, drops in addition to layouts car rental area in the near future, also reached a strategic cooperation with taxi companies around.

In fact, cooperation with the taxi company to the last drop is reflected as early as in May this year, such as Nanjing zhongbei taxi, taxi companies, taxi companies in the South. As of now, drops already and more than 10 cities across the country nearly 50 cab companies reached a strategic cooperation. Ling Qiang, President of the taxi industry association in Nanjing, on the premise of ensuring fair competition, a taxi would net about integration with the car: "after improper factors to rule out front or toward the development of good relations. "It can also ease the current taxi about car platform and network," love kills "situation.

揭秘恐怖Uber“幽灵车”为何存在 - Uber,滴滴 - IT资讯




























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