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published in(发表于) 2016/9/13 18:52:50 Edit(编辑)
Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, these moon cakes do you know? ,

Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, these moon cakes do you know? ,(中秋节要到了,这些月饼你了解吗?,)



Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, these moon cakes do you know? -Mid-Autumn Festival, moon cake-IT information

Long, round moon is a symbol of family reunion and content rich. Sweet sweet taste, making moon cakes during the Festival most popular cuisine. China's vast expanse, apart of cakes chefs each have pride of making secret, bite of cake have a distinct regional characteristics.

Cantonese-style moon cakes

▲ Cantonese-style Lotus seed paste double yellow cake

In the traditional moon cakes "Guang Jing Chao Su Dian" in five schools, originates from Cantonese-style moon cakes are particularly popular in Guangdong Province in recent years has become almost standard image of the moon. Because mixing with syrup modulation, the outer skin of the Cantonese-style moon cakes after baking luster light, tasted soft and agreeable. Cantonese-style moon cake fillings fine luster, common fillings such as Lotus and Fine bean eijun jade, texture soft, smooth and delicate. A Cantonese-style moon cakes, fillings usually exceeding 80%, thin skin of the Cook's skill is a small test. Use of salted duck egg yolk to bring changes in taste, rich tastes experience is also a feature of Cantonese-style moon cakes, Lotus paste and double yellow cake is the essence of Cantonese-style mooncakes.

Beijing-style mooncake

▲ Beijing improved paste mooncake

Beijing-style mooncake originates from Tianjin, Beijing Daoxiang unexpected red, uninvited white cake was typical of Beijing-style mooncake. Zilaihong of traditional mooncakes to fell as the skins, with sugar, candy and nuts for fillings, wake look reddish, usually with a red piece of pie pastry on a beautiful red circle. A Beijing-style mooncake weighs less than one or two, small and rounded look rather endearing. Due to technology limitations, the old Beijing-style mooncake is often hard, that joke was Beijing-style mooncake after being run over by a car into asphalt and laborious prying out intact with iron bars. Exaggerated joke nature expressing disbelief, after improvement of Beijing-style mooncake has not only kept the authentic flavor of old Beijing, and no longer test the diner's mouth.

Dry cakes

? Dry meringue cake

To Guangdong and eight Fujian, Chaozhou, Guangdong, has a unique linguistic and cultural traditions, Chaozhou cuisine is equally distinctive. Now that many people shunned fat pork or lard in the local dialect is known as Lao (l á o), Moon natural Lao bread made with lard. At the time of making the traditional Lao pie lard, but skilled chefs create a delicious secret weapon. Adding modulation of lard pie filling thick lubrication, making pastry dough in lard, after baked layer overlying skin is beautiful and good taste at the same time. Eating healthy today, people often replace lard with vegetable oils rich in unsaturated fats making Lao pie, sweet and soft, familiar flavors keep it's Bon appetite.

Soviet-style moon cakes

? Su-meat crab cakes

Soviet-style moon cakes popular in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, Suzhou century-old shop produced the moon cake quality is especially good. Suzhou-style mooncakes use water and cooking oil to make crispy skin, stuffing that is both sweet and salty in two flavors. Sweet Suzhou-style mooncakes are legendary in the five people to eat dark nuts cake, also have a savoury taste of red bean paste, jujube paste cakes. Soviet-style meat crisp cakes filling enough, when before it's too late to enjoy the taste and rated. If the crab meat and crab roe joined local meat, fresh and fragrant taste to the next level.

Yunnan-style mooncake

? Rose Yunnan ham moon cake

Although the Cantonese-style moon cakes have unifying momentum of the Moon Lake, from South of the clouds-Yunnan-style mooncake is winning more and more fans. Yunnan-style mooncake skin Golden plump, delicious fillings because of its rich local characteristics and widely popular. Commonly known as the "crust ham pie" ham moon cake is a leader in the Yunnan-style mooncake, made of honey, sugar and xuanwei ham filling and sweet taste, rich ham flavor often connoisseurs are begging for more. Always have flowers in Yunnan province capital, local residents with the feeding of edible roses flowers cakes the same very special. Used ham in the cake and flowers two fetish, created rose ham moon cake is delicious, no, no.

Table cakes

? Desktop braised pork and mung bean Chinese moon cakes

While not as moon cakes as prestigious as the five families, Taiwan mooncakes are also characteristic of the area. Perhaps because it is located in between Jiangsu and Guangdong, desktop cakes both of two long. Moon cake skin similar to Soviet-style moon cakes and crisp, but try to keep wheat flour color; filling near Yu Guang mooncakes are soft, but not too rich. Mung bean Peng (p è NG) desktop most popular cakes, "Peng" words in the local dialect described in moon cake naturally raised the crisp during baking, hence it also called mung bean convex. Small white bean Peng tastes fluffy and sweet, giving moon cakes in a little refreshing feeling.

Qu-style moon cakes

? Quzhou Sesame

Located in the West of the ancient city of Quzhou, hemp cake has a high status in many traditional pastry. Both weddings and funerals, and festivals, mutual gift between friends or sharing a pie is not to be missed in the ceremony. At the family reunion Festival, sweet cake people in Quzhou, nature has become a favorite of moon cakes. Qu-cake with black sesame powder as filling ingredients, flat bread and wall-to-wall white sesame seeds, stuffing and the surface will be the small oil mill, was to maximize the Sesame flavor. Generous two-foot square of specially made hemp cake, cake full of life on the surface of plant pigments for vivid patterns and dyeing of sesame seeds to make. Mid-Autumn Festival night, tasting as good as a moon cake in future years must also be filled with sweet and fragrant.

Inner Mongolia cakes

? Inner Mongolia jinfeng town of brown sugar cake

Perhaps from the vast rugged Prairie, Inner Mongolia's traditional moon cakes are quite bold and straightforward, and most people have the impression that small cakes are quite different. Fengzhen is located in Inner Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, Hebei and Shanxi provinces, where the prestigious traditional moon cakes. Moon cake production process called plain, jinfeng town, ingredients simply wheat flour, vegetable oil and sugar or brown sugar, mixed then baked into tasty. Because of Feng's special water quality, combined with excellent Feng cakes using local production of flax seed oil, unprepossessing fengzhen cakes taste great natural, without preservatives can also be stored for as long as six months.

Qinghai cakes

Qinghai traditional steamer ▲ cakes

Residents of all ethnic groups in Qinghai are also living in the river source to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, their elaborate cakes in Qinghai was very special. The rest of the cakes are baked, Qinghai cakes are steamed before the Festival and handy woman set the turmeric, red yeast rice and other natural plant pigments ground into powder, a Manchu oil coating layer of dough smeared with nice colors, and then wrapped in White leather, eventually steamed out of the flower beautiful cakes. So making cakes in Qinghai province often weigh several kilograms, mega-cakes of Qinghai is a steamer can only be placed next. Done after the Qinghai cake, looks like a colorful flowering big buns, inside the beautiful colors are often more than 10 layers, as our life colorful.

"Small bread, such as chewing, is crisp and mystery. The taste, tears stained towels. "As thousands of years of traditional cuisine, moon cakes have already placed people different feelings. Today's moon cake stuffing more exquisite exotic, snowy, hemp products such as French fries and ice cream moon cakes popular at one time. But both face remains the same, still brand new, different flavors of cakes always make us taste the sweetness of life.

中秋节要到了,这些月饼你了解吗? - 中秋节,月饼 - IT资讯






























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