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published in(发表于) 2016/9/24 16:18:42 Edit(编辑)
Oculus developers stop content development, because the head of the suspected support of Trump,

Oculus developers stop content development, because the head of the suspected support of Trump,(开发者宣布停止Oculus内容开发,因为掌门人疑似支持特朗普,)



Oculus developers stop content development, because the head of the suspected support of Trump-Oculus, Trump-IT information

IT information news on September 24, United States presidential candidate Donald Trump was not subject to United States technology and Internet companies are known, and recent things, reflects this. Facebook's virtual reality company Oculus, recently claimed his boss Palmer Luckey was Trump's supporters, then there are many developers announced stop for Oculus content development projects.

TheVerge foreign media reported that the United States media, the daily beast recently broke, Oculus CEO Palmer Luckey are secret supporters of the Republican Trump, who worked for Donald Trump's secret funds provided by a Navy-like organizations, for they are clamouring for Trump on the network. News, caused the United States scientific community shocked Palmer Luckey followed protests from the developers and other users, developers announced that will stop the project developed for the Oculus, and Web users are on Twitter and Reddit discussion on this matter, a large number of users expressed dissatisfaction with the Palmer Luckey.

United States presidential candidate Donald Trump is not about the tech industry's future development plans gives valuable, on the contrary, once known as to stifle Internet, criticism of Silicon Valley is filled with bubbles, caused the United States the vast majority of members of the science and technology of the outcry.

开发者宣布停止Oculus内容开发,因为掌门人疑似支持特朗普 - Oculus,特朗普 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 9月24日消息,美国总统候选人特朗普颇不受美国的科技行业和互联网公司待见是众所周知的,而近日发生的一件事,更能体现这一点。Facebook旗下的虚拟现实公司Oculus,近日被爆料其掌门人Palmer Luckey是特朗普的支持者,随后,就有许多开发者宣布,停止为Oculus开发内容项目。

外媒TheVerge报道称,美国知名媒体《每日野兽》近日爆料,Oculus的CEO Palmer Luckey是共和党候选人特朗普的秘密支持者,他曾经为特朗普的一个类似水军的组织提供秘密资金,用于他们在网络上为特朗普摇旗呐喊。消息曝光后,引起了美国科技界的震惊,Palmer Luckey随后遭到了开发者和其他网民的抗议,开发者宣布,将停止为Oculus开发的内容项目,而网民也在Twitter以及Reddit上热议此事,大批网友对Palmer Luckey表示不满。


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