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published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:38:55 Edit(编辑)
Cook was elected in 2016, the most influential “non-heterosexual“ characters

Cook was elected in 2016, the most influential “non-heterosexual“ characters(库克当选2016年最具影响力“非异性恋”人物,)



Cook was elected in 2016, the most influential "non-heterosexual" people-cook-IT information

Out Magazine magazine recently integrated in the economy, politics and its influence on the world, and many other factors, Tim Cook, named the "2016 most influential LGBT people". "LGBT" is a lesbian (Lesbians), homosexuals (Gays), and bisexual (Bisexuals) and transsexuals (Transgender) acronym of English words.

In an interview as early as 2014, Cook had been open about his sexuality. From then on he quickly became one of the most influential leaders in the LGBT community.

In recent times, due to Apple and FBI crack the iPhone and let cook with a lot of points, especially after Cook insist that crack will endanger the security of millions of users.

Cook also worked on Apple products become more environmentally friendly. Such as the global e-waste recovery, in-depth study of climate change, how to better use of renewable energy, recycling and reduction.

In addition to Silicon Valley, Cook has also been advocated should be more inclusive. He has led employees to participate in a gay pride parade and other related activities.

List of most influential LGBT people list also includes Ellen DeGeneres, news presenter Rachel McDonnell Douglas and Anderson Cooper bide·dier, bulusi·Zhanna as well as angel investors.

库克当选2016年最具影响力“非异性恋”人物 - 库克 - IT资讯

近日Out Magazine杂志在综合了个人对经济、政治及对世界的影响力等多方面因素后,将蒂姆·库克评选为“2016年最具影响力的LGBT人物”。“LGBT”是女同性恋者(Lesbians)、男同性恋者(Gays)、双性恋者(Bisexuals)与跨性别者(Transgender)的英文首字母缩略字。






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