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published in(发表于) 2016/9/23 9:27:49 Edit(编辑)
Suspect the White House e-mail system was hacked: First Lady of Passport information is exposed,

Suspect the White House e-mail system was hacked: First Lady of Passport information is exposed,(白宫电子邮件系统疑被黑:第一夫人护照信息被曝光,)



Suspect the White House e-mail system was hacked: First Lady of Passport information is exposed-the White House, email, hack-IT information

On September 23, according to foreign media reports, the United States suspected the White House e-mail system was hacked, "first lady" Michelle Obama Passport scans, Vice President Joe Biden and Michelle travel arrangements and security information such as details of the package were leaked.

It is reported that hackers invaded an official White House event logistics staff email, access to a number of messages from February 2015 July 2016, including suspected Michelle passports, passports are printed on the passport number, date of birth and other information, but most of the information is public information.

Hacker said the successful access to the sensitive information, means that the White House's network security useless. If the terrorists know this information, the consequences would be disastrous. Current White House spokesman not sure Michelle Passport scanning files and other White House message of authenticity.

白宫电子邮件系统疑被黑:第一夫人护照信息被曝光 - 白宫,电子邮件,黑客 - IT资讯




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