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published in(发表于) 2016/5/10 5:20:40 Edit(编辑)
Back to Nokia: United States intelligence machines unsalable, functional machine sales soar,

Back to Nokia: United States intelligence machines unsalable, functional machine sales soar,(回来吧诺基亚:美国智能机滞销,功能机销量飞升,)



Back to Nokia: United States intelligence machines unsalable, functional machine sales soar-intelligent machines, non-smartphones-IT information

IT information news on May 10, the smart-phone market by leaps and bounds in recent years, various powerful admission "bitter war" recently, however, the smart-phone market malaise, not smartphone sales rise.

According to the IDC statistics, 2015 United States non-Smartphone shipments reached 24.2 million units, up 2 million from 2014. This data, in the popular smartphones of today, seemed a bit "weird".

Foreign media analysis of its causes, the data has a local color, in the United States, one out of every seven people expressed disgust for the intelligent machine complex function, although many such as development of many smart phones replace MP3, MP4, digital products, but it also has many features that most users use very little.

In range and price Shang, non-intelligent machine occupies must advantage , although currently intelligent machine also fell to hundreds of Yuan low, if user only for phone received playing, non-intelligent machine is more deal, range aspects, intelligent machine of day a filling almost is no can avoid, and non-intelligent machine in this while can said has overwhelming sex advantage, range high who one or two Monday filling not dream.

See this news article, small thought when the mobile phone leader Nokia, I thought Nokia back how you are, regrettably, the hero is late, get old, but in any case, if cell phone history as a book, Nokia, era is essential to the chapter.

回来吧诺基亚:美国智能机滞销,功能机销量飞升 - 智能机,非智能机 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月10日消息,近年来智能机市场突飞猛进,各路豪强纷纷入场“厮杀”,然而最近智能机市场萎靡不振,非智能机的销量却有所抬头。





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