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published in(发表于) 2016/9/17 20:04:51 Edit(编辑)
Online Black Dragon: a courier slip, there are two delivery address,

Online Black Dragon: a courier slip, there are two delivery address,(网购乌龙:一张快递单,却有两个收货地址,)



Online Black Dragon: a courier slip, but there are two express-delivery address-rhyme IT information

Public Lady in the shop to buy five tires, sellers uploaded rhyme to express a single number after shipment. Three days later, she had found that should express was sent to Beijing, Zhejiang sign. In response, sellers and couriers are given two odd numbers but different express a single e-mail address, which had puzzled woman, I do not know who was responsible for losses. A few days ago, the Beijing morning post and the company involved, the Oolong event finally settled.

But is Zhejiang sent Beijing to sign for

According to the woman, on September 8, her Taobao, based in Guangdong's "Yin XING auto city" store to buy five tires, a total of 2800 Yuan, shop that evening delivery and upload of rhyme to express a single number. On September 11, found domestic fulfillment she had viewed the logistics progress, logistics, information indicating that the goods are signed for. In this regard, the seller and express the answer she had dropped glasses, "produced by the two sides on the express, fill out address completely different." Beijing morning news reporters through her photos to see, shop provides receipts for Beijing, Zhejiang shipping couriers documents receipt is in the hands of huzhou city, Zhejiang, but reporters found that both parties express a single tail number was 2355, Sheriff website through rhyme, shipments from Guangdong. Had said that after the two conflicting versions

Tires-overweight copied the wrong address

"Yunda courier single, why are there two copies of the same number? Shop sellers take someone else's waybill fill my address? Goods signed for by someone else, who is responsible for my loss? "She had puzzled. Question a few days ago, by veteran journalists and intervention, after the rhyme to express to cooperate with the investigation, things come out. Originally, sellers shipped does use the tail number was 2355, courier receipt, but because every single goods shall not exceed 30 kg, courier receipt required five tire sent out and subsequently fill in the number. "Rhythm up to two copies of the same number that does not exist, courier receipt, we see through the monitoring, staff posted for each tire express back on form, took in the shop on the day another single pickup address to fill in on the form, it leads to the wrong, for which we apologize. "Guangdong Yun Chen apologized many times, head of customer service.

Seller has agreed to refund buyers

Chen said that has now contacted the Zhejiang company see if I can recover the goods which cannot be recovered, the company also will not evade its responsibility, to pay compensation. In addition, Taobao service, told reporters that at present, tire shop sellers have agreed to be returned to Mrs.

网购乌龙:一张快递单,却有两个收货地址 - 韵达快递 - IT资讯








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