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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:15:28 Edit(编辑)
The feelings in the history of software updates Note: similar to the leather factory had closed down in the South,

The feelings in the history of software updates Note: similar to the leather factory had closed down in the South,(史上最有情怀的软件更新提示:堪比江南皮革厂倒闭,)



The feelings in the history of software updates Note: comparable to Jiangnan leather factory closures-APP, update, programmer-IT information

In Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou, Zhejiang's largest tanneries, tanneries in the South is closed and bastard boss, Huang, hookers, owed 350 million, ran with his sister-in-law. We can't hold the wallet arrived in wages, original price is more than 100, more than 200, more than 300 wallet, all for only 20, all sold only 20! Huang Hewang a bitch, you're not human, and we worked so hard to give you a half a year, you don't get paid, you my hard earned money, and my money!

The above is an excerpt from Wikipedia entry.

As many city streets to hear voices, see wallet, presumably a lot of users are feeling, but a while ago Twitter authentication "yellow crane factory" and really fun everybody, make sure that no circumstances, many people also tanneries event South to laugh it off. However users on the Apple App Store was recently found a annoying piece of software every day, following updates says:

1, "moving up" team has been disbanded, and stop the service.

2, thanks to "move" the continued support of our customers, please select a different booking about ball games.

3, "every day" boss summer mind small, long-term wage claims, and refused to pay. Here, industry practitioners and investment institutions for public information.

In fact this situation makes many Apple users feel very comic, and many on Twitter every day happy employees are suing the boss forced detention pay and reimbursement of fees, forced out this decision.

PS ... no one can own programmers.

Under the current software from the Apple Store in China.

史上最有情怀的软件更新提示:堪比江南皮革厂倒闭 - APP,更新,程序员 - IT资讯

浙江温州,浙江温州最大皮革厂,江南皮革厂倒闭了,王八蛋老板,黄鹤,吃喝嫖赌,欠下了3.5个亿,带着他的小姨子跑了。我们没有办法,拿着钱包抵工资,原价都是一百多,两百多,三百多的钱包,统统只卖二十快,统统只卖二十块! 黄鹤王八蛋,你不是人,我们辛辛苦苦给你干了大半年,你不发工资,你还我血汗钱,还我血汗钱!


作为不少城市街头能够听到的声音,看到的钱包,想必不少的网友都有感触,而前一阵子微博认证的“黄鹤厂长”也着实娱乐了大家一把,在确信没有相关情况之后,不少人也把江南皮革厂事件一笑而过。不过近日有用户在苹果App Store发现了一款令人哭笑不得的软件天天乐动,下面的更新提示赫然写着:






目前该软件已经从中国区Apple Store下架。

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