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published in(发表于) 2016/9/17 20:04:42 Edit(编辑)
Musk: yourself about 80% time spent on engineering and design,

Musk: yourself about 80% time spent on engineering and design,(马斯克:自己大约80%的时间花在工程和设计上,)



Musk: own approximately 80% of our time in engineering and design-Thomas g, Tesla, SpaceX-IT information

"Editor's note" this finishing YC partner Sam Altman an interview with Elon Musk and video form. From the anticipation of the future how about AI technology to change lives, from self expectations management to time allocation, iron man has brought us new inspiration?

YC: this year, we would like to talk about your ideas for the future, and what direction it should be super. You have a very famous, you said when you were young that the world's 5 most important things to do, now, if you are 22 years old, what do you think those five things are?

Elon Musk: first of all, I think that if people do things that will benefit society, it should be valued as a whole. Don't necessarily need to "change the world", just for people to create a high-value, even if it is a game or help people to better share photos, if it reaches enough people, even if it is only a slight improvement, I think is valuable.

But back to what the maximum human influence? I think AI,AI is what we needs to be taken seriously in the near future.

Allow the AI to play a positive role is vital to the future of business. AI may be the harm we have talked about so many times, we need to really make it right now. Therefore, AI work and confirm it "right to work" is the first important thing of the future.

The second important thing is genetic engineering. If using recombinant approach to the prevention of dementia or Alzheimer's disease, I think it will be very valuable.

In addition, try to connect the brain will be very important, we now the brain interact with the outside world was limited (output of the brain ability is not very good), our brain capacity is more than email, computer, mobile phone or the APP, we are Superman.

YC: today's young people have a very popular saying: "I want to be Elon Musk", you are the inspiration for young people. Do you think what do you do when you're young so you have influence today?

Elon Musk: first of all, I must say, I do not, I do not intend to become idols.

In fact, 25 years ago when I was in college I began to think that the 5 things: immigration outside the planet, sustainable energy, the Internet, genetic modification and AI. All began from my college to help electric cars, then my internship, the task is the study of electric vehicle battery capacity will have a breakthrough. Later went to Stanford PhD, subject is this, but dropped out in 1995, I had applied for, founder of an Internet company, as did find Internet technology in a period of dramatic change, and I don't want to be a bystander--I wasn't sure my research topic will work.

You can take a lot of professional doctorates, but these were likely to have no real impact on the development of the world, and I was again and ask yourself, "what is useful", I just want to be a useful person.

YC: now if people want to become a useful person does need to have a doctorate?

Elon Musk: most of them are not needed.

YC: how "useful" a valid path?

Elon Musk: only a very small portion of the work, most of the road will lead to failure.

YC: How do people find his path to the maximum value?

Elon Musk: I think you can count, you have to do this much improvement on the current situation, can affect many people. Or have a very large impact on minorities, or have a very small impact on most, the last calculation is the product of two numbers.

YC: you decided to start Space x, the action should look like crazy.

Elon Musk: crazy, that I die read. If the company is to achieve the best return under controlled risk, that starting this company was a crazy decision. But that was not what I wanted.

I thought that, if there is no space to do some improvements, people will forever be trapped on Earth. And largest space technology companies are not interested to do radical innovations, and they want to do is let that little bit older technology gets better every year. And the truth is, sometimes technology with time will get even worse, especially rocket technology, back in 1969, we can go to the Moon, and only put people on a near-Earth orbit of the space station, space station after retiring.

People sometimes feel that science and technology will over time become good, but it isn't. Only when the wise man with the crazy effort it will get better, without these efforts, the technology is actually degrades.

You look at Egypt, the original pyramid construction techniques have been lost, the glyph is not able to read, another example of Roman architecture is the same. History is full of too many similar examples. So I think we should always remember that the entropy of the universe is not on our side.

YC: a bit of quality that I like you, that although thousands of people to go, even though others may point to your nose and say "you're insane" you wouldn't budge-although I know a lot of crazy, but you are the one with the best and the brightest. A lot of people are questioning you, you are very strong, I would like to know where did you come from?

Elon Musk: I often feel fear – fear is normal, if someone cannot feel fear, perhaps he has some problems with such spirit.

But I believe I'm going to do something important enough, my importance to it without hesitation, so I find it more difficult to do.

I thought when he founded SpaceX, its probability of success only 10%, founder of Tesla's time, too, in fact, an electric car company, the probability of success is very low, so I've done nothing. Several help to its fatalism, to some degree, accept all possible results will give you a better fight fear.

YC: do you think that stand today and our immigrants more likely on Mars?

Elon Musk: I think it's great.

YC: so, when can I go to Mars? BTW, if you can come back, I would love to come back.

Elon Musk: I hope I'm not a pollyanna, but I was determined to establish a cycle of Mars Colony is a likely outcome. I think maybe after 10 years, or within a shorter period of time, we can do it, and I have to ensure that SpaceX does not die before this, also want to ensure that I did not; if I died, would continue to pick up the baton to do it.

YC: you shouldn't go first.

Elon Musk: first up is robots.

YC: you posted many opinions about AI. Can you describe what the future world of AI, how can we get there?

Elon Musk: AI the best way we can expect, is AI democracy means no one company or a small group can manage the AI technology. My fear is not that AI will have a sense of independence, but worried that some people will use it to do evil. This is the reason why we do OpenAI of this company, we want to spread the AI technology, let it not be only in the hands of a few.

Of course, this is in line with the high bandwidth interfaces connected to the cerebral cortex. We also have cortical and limbic system of the brain. Primary brain limbic system is, in charge of things like your intuition, and portion of the cerebral cortex is responsible for thinking, I think if we can be as good as AI and brain together, we can become "AI who" symbiont. And when everybody can be AI man when we also solved the problem of AI dictatorship. This is the best result I can think of.

YC:OpenAI established for 6 months, how are you developing now?

Elon Musk: I think it's very good, we have a very good team (it now has about 40 people), and they work hard. OpenAI is a non profit-making institutions, non-profit organizations are not urgent, but OpenAI is not, because it is doing is indeed imminent.

YC: one last question, how do you allocate your time?

Elon Musk: spend most on SpaceX and Tesla, of course, will try to allocate some time to OpenAI, about half a day a week.

Many people think that I spent a lot of time in the media, or business, but in fact I spend most of the time – about 80%--in engineering and design.

YC: I remember a long time ago you took me to visit the SpaceX, I was a very impressive, you know every detail of every project the rocket.

Elon Musk: Yes, nothing bad for Business Affairs, but I preferred engineering and design. Neither company has a special person to help me with a business finance law sales business, I spend most of my time with the engineering team to stay together.

马斯克:自己大约80%的时间花在工程和设计上 - 马斯克,特斯拉,SpaceX - IT资讯

【编者按】本文系整理YC合伙人Sam Altman采访Elon Musk视频而成。从对未来的预判聊到AI技术如何改变生活,从自我期望管理到时间分配,钢铁侠给我们带来了哪些新的启发?


Elon Musk:首先,我觉得如果有人在做一些能让社会受益的事情,这件事总体上应该都是有价值的。不一定需要“改变世界”,只要为人们创造了高价值,哪怕是一个游戏或者帮人们更好地分享照片,如果能惠及足够多人,哪怕只是微小的进步,我觉得都是有价值的。


让AI发挥正面作用是未来至关重要的事。关于AI可能的危害我们已经谈论太多次,现在我们需要真的make it right了。所以,从事AI工作并确认它“正确地工作”是未来第一重要的事情。



YC:时下年轻人中有一种很流行的说法:“我想成为Elon Musk”,你是年轻人的精神偶像。你觉得你年轻的时候做了哪些事情让你有现在的影响力?

Elon Musk:首先我得说,我志不在此,我无意成为谁的偶像。




Elon Musk:大部分都不需要。


Elon Musk:只有很少一部分能work,大部分路都会通向失败。


Elon Musk:我觉得你可以估算一下,你要做的这个事情会对目前的状况有多少改善,能影响到多少人。要么对少数人产生非常大的影响,要么对多数人产生非常小的影响,最后计算的其实是这两个数字的乘积。

YC:你决定创办Space X的当时,这个举动看起来应该非常疯狂。

Elon Musk:非常疯狂,这一点我不讳认。如果开公司是为了实现最好的可控风险下的回报,那开这家公司本来就是一个疯狂的决定。不过那本来就不是我想要的。





Elon Musk:我其实经常感到害怕——觉得害怕很正常,如果有人感觉不到害怕,可能是他精神上出了一些问题。




Elon Musk:我觉得挺大的。


Elon Musk:希望我不是盲目乐观,但是我很确定建立一个自循环的火星殖民地是一种可能的结果了。我觉得也许10年后,或者更短一点的时间内,我们就可以做到,而我必须确保SpaceX不在这之前死掉,也要确保我自己不会;如果我死了,也要有人继续接棒做下去。


Elon Musk:第一个上去的会是机器人。


Elon Musk:我们能期待的AI最好的样子,是实现AI民主,意味着没有哪一个公司或者哪一个小团体可以掌控AI技术。我的担心并不在于AI会产生独立意识,而是担心有些人会用它作恶。这就是我们做OpenAI这家公司的原因,我们想把AI技术传播出去,让它不会只掌握在少数人手中。



Elon Musk:我认为很好,我们有一个非常好的团队(现在有40个人左右),而且他们很努力。OpenAI是一个非盈利机构,一般非盈利机构都是不紧急的,但OpenAI不是,因为它做的事情的确是迫在眉睫。


Elon Musk:大部分花在SpaceX和Tesla上,当然,也会尽力分配一些时间给OpenAI,大约是每周半天。



Elon Musk:是的,商务事务没什么不好,但我更喜欢工程和设计。两个公司都有专门的人帮我处理商务财务法务销售方面的业务,我的大部分时间都和工程团队待在一起。

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