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published in(发表于) 2016/9/17 20:04:13 Edit(编辑)
FBI Director: everyone should cover computer camera,

FBI Director: everyone should cover computer camera,(FBI局长:每个人都应该把电脑摄像头遮起来,)



FBI Director: everyone should cover-FBI computer webcam, webcam-IT information

United States Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) Director of Komi (James Comey), said in a speech a few days ago, because of security concerns, he used adhesive tape to cover his private laptop webcam, and suggested that everyone doing to ensure that their privacy will not be compromised.

Komi is this week at the Center for strategic and international studies (Center for Strategic and International Studies), made the above remarks at a meeting and on network security and privacy issues when he received the audience's questions. In April, the Komi tape revealed in order to protect the privacy of computer webcam, then caused a lot of people laughed at on Twitter.

In fact, not only was he, Science Guy to do the same thing. United Kingdom the independent newspaper reported that some photos circulating on the Internet show earlier this year, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg), hid his Apple laptop camera, which is getting people to pay attention to in this way the need to protect personal privacy.

Security experts advise, open the webcam will give hackers the opportunity, so that they can look into user's everything.

Komi believes that with tape covering the webcam is a wise thing that people should do.

Komi said all government offices will cover cameras, ordinary members of the public should be like this: "there are some sensible things you should do, this is one of them. When you walk into any Government Office, you will find all the camera above the screen there is a small cover to cover. In this way, people who are not authorized and could not see you. I think this is good. ”

The independent article said, although the webcam on your laptop is useful, but they are also hacked into the computer one of the most valuable ways. Once successful, hackers can easily spy on, record everything, might in the future be used to blackmail or invade other security systems.

Leaked documents has been shown before, including the United States, many Governments may talk on the Internet camera to collect information on ordinary citizens.

Komi's comments also drew controversy because he said before, the Corporation should not producing equipment that law enforcement agencies could not be invaded. Now, after he disclosed his hidden camera with adhesive tape, activists said, he just did a device to let law enforcement agencies could not be invaded.

According to the daily mail said, according to one former head of FBI science and technology sector revealed that FBI had long been opened to users without their webcam. Until a few technology giants called on Obama to stop Government to monitor people's behavior, FBI using remote management tools are to light.

FBI局长:每个人都应该把电脑摄像头遮起来 - FBI,摄像头 - IT资讯

美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长科米(James Comey)日前在一次演讲中表示,出于安全考虑,他用胶带盖住了自己私人笔记本电脑的摄像头,并建议每个人都这样做,以保证自己的隐私不被泄露。

科米是本周在战略和国际研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)的会议上做上述表示的,当时他就网络安全和个人隐私问题接受听众的提问。今年4月,科米被曝为了保护隐私用胶带粘住了电脑的网络摄像头,当时在推特上招来很多人的嘲笑。

其实不光是他,科技大佬也在做同样的事情。英国《独立报》报道说,今年早些时候网上流传的一些照片显示,Facebook创始人扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)就遮住了自己苹果笔记本电脑的摄像头,这也让人们开始重视通过这种办法保护个人隐私的必要性。








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