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published in(发表于) 2016/6/21 9:41:42 Edit(编辑)
NET fake ID by plane, the man was fined 500 Yuan,

NET fake ID by plane, the man was fined 500 Yuan,(网办假身份证乘飞机,男子被罚500元,)



NET fake ID by plane, man was fined 500 Yuan-ID, airport-IT information

Around 8 o'clock last evening, a man at the airport second terminal using forged identity cards ready for boarding, after screeners found police, airport police administrative punishment of a fine of 500 Yuan for the man. Around 8 o'clock last evening, at the Beijing Capital International Airport second terminal domestic security field, a man produced identity cards without sensing chips, screeners suspected the men passengers using a forged identity card, then alarm. Civilian police presence will be summoned to orally by the passengers of the airport police station for investigation.

After investigation, the traveller to Hunan, to fly to Changsha, but ID is lost, in a hurry too re-submit for too long, they spend money on the Internet for someone to do a fake ID, false information and his true personal information on line. He was caught with a chance through security.

After work of the civilian police, the man admitted that he used the identity card is false certificate, after the police ruled out other criminal suspects, according to the People's Republic of China resident identity card Act provisions on the administrative punishment of a fine of 500 Yuan.

Police suggest passengers, air travel should be legal and valid identity documents, documents missing, out of date, you can to go to police station at Terminal of the temporary opportunity to prove, using a forged identity card, use of others ' identity cards, in accordance with the People's Republic of China resident identity card-related provisions of the law, a fine of 200 Yuan more than 1000 Yuan fine or detention of between 10th.

网办假身份证乘飞机,男子被罚500元 - 身份证,机场 - IT资讯





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