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published in(发表于) 2016/9/12 19:12:19 Edit(编辑)
Of the wealth of the world’s 50 most powerful women: Dong Peng Lei Liu list

Of the wealth of the world’s 50 most powerful women: Dong Peng Lei Liu list(《财富》评全球50大最具影响力女性:董明珠彭蕾柳青上榜,)



Of the wealth of the world's 50 most powerful women: Dong Peng Lei Liu-listed Dong, Liu, Peng Lei-IT information

IT news , September 12, the Fortune website has selected the 50 most influential women in the world, a total of 19 countries of the women on the list. Among them, the County, a total of 10 women selected. CEO Dong mingzhu of gree group ranked 11th, Ant take CEO Peng Lei 16th gold. Liu Qing, President of travel for the first time on the list to the last drop.

List of 10 name China women respectively is: 11th name gree Group CEO Dong mingzhu,, 16th name Ant gold clothing CEO Peng Lei, and 26th name Lake Group Chairman Wu yajun, and 31st name Morgan Stanley China district CEO Wei Sun Christianson, and 32nd name Alibaba CFO Buei, and 34th name Baidu CFO picked, and 35th name general electrical big Chinese District President and CEO Duan Xiaoying, and 36th name drops drops travel President Liu, and 38th name Huawei company Chairman Sun yafang,, and 48th Lan Si technology CEO dispatched to fly.

Here's the full list:

《财富》评全球50大最具影响力女性:董明珠彭蕾柳青上榜 - 董明珠,柳青,彭蕾 - IT资讯




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