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published in(发表于) 2016/9/2 9:37:21 Edit(编辑)
New Oriental change: Zhou chenggang succeeded Yu minhong, President CEO, Yu Hong Zhuan as Executive Director

New Oriental change: Zhou chenggang succeeded Yu minhong, President CEO, Yu Hong Zhuan as Executive Director(新东方换帅:总裁周成刚接替俞敏洪任CEO,俞敏洪转任执行董事,)



New Oriental change: Zhou chenggang succeeded Yu minhong, President CEO, Yu-Hong Zhuan as Executive Director of the new Oriental, Mr Yu-IT information

On September 2, the new Oriental announced today that the Board appointed current Zhou chenggang, President of the company as the new CEO of the East, Yu minhong will become Executive Chairman of the Board, continue to be responsible for the company's business strategy and operations.

New Oriental, said Zhou chenggang in 2000 and joined the new Eastern thereafter served as the company's management positions, including the President, Executive President of domestic operations, Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President, Beijing New Oriental vision consulting, President, Shanghai, Beijing New Oriental school principals and school principals.

Mr Yu said the 16 new Oriental career, Zhou chenggang has demonstrated outstanding leadership and real passion for our mission, as well as the strong commitment to company values, we believed he was now the most appropriate leader.

Zhou chenggang, said he was honored to lead into the next stage of development of new Oriental, expanding the company's market-leading position, and provide our students with new and useful products.

新东方换帅:总裁周成刚接替俞敏洪任CEO,俞敏洪转任执行董事 - 新东方,俞敏洪 - IT资讯





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