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published in(发表于) 2016/6/24 9:39:50 Edit(编辑)
United States will test the 150-kilowatt laser Cannon: low cost, accurate spike

United States will test the 150-kilowatt laser Cannon: low cost, accurate spike(美国将测试150千瓦高能激光炮:低成本、精确秒杀,)



United States will test the 150-kilowatt laser Cannon: low cost precision kill-laser weapon, laser Cannon-IT information

Information on IT saying "attack is the best form of defence", United States naval identify deeply with this sentence. The Admiral Morelan on being tested 150-kilowatt output power laser guns are highly, saying it is to maintain the United States an important means of self-defense.

It is reported that the United States Navy is preparing to ship new high-energy laser weapon system test, the 150-kilowatt output power of the laser gun is 5 times of the active laser weapon system. Currently equipped with United States Navy prototype of 30-kilowatt laser weapon system is "Ponce" frontier on a floating base, participate in actual testing in the Gulf region.

Laser weapons are today's cutting edge hot weapon categories, with low cost, high precision, high damage characteristics, once targeted, because energy is concentrated can be realized "seckill" effect. But this type of weapon has a fatal weakness, is vulnerable to extreme weather such as fog, rain, snow and other weather effects can have a serious effect on weapons and weapon systems are precision instruments, very "expensive", so the survivability on the battlefield had been tested.

美国将测试150千瓦高能激光炮:低成本、精确秒杀 - 激光武器,激光炮 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 俗话说“进攻是最好的防守”,美国海军深深认同这句话。该国海军上将Morelan就对正在测试的150千瓦输出功率高能激光炮进行了高度肯定,称这是维持美国自卫能力的重要手段。



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