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published in(发表于) 2016/9/12 19:11:51 Edit(编辑)
3.08 million Chinese people into dishonest “blacklist“: the purchase of aircraft, high-speed rail tickets are limited,

3.08 million Chinese people into dishonest “blacklist“: the purchase of aircraft, high-speed rail tickets are limited,(中国308万人列入失信“黑名单”:购买飞机、高铁票皆受限,)



3.08 million Chinese people into dishonest "blacklist": the purchase of aircraft, high-speed rail tickets are limited-faithless, blacklist-IT information

Yesterday, China's State Council information Office published the white paper on new progress in China's protection of human rights in the administration of Justice. White paper about 13900 words, except for the preface consists of four parts, namely, continuously improve the judicial guarantee of human rights mechanisms, further improve the judicial guarantee of human rights programs, efforts to improve the judicial guarantee of human rights implementation and effective protection of detainees legal rights.

Right and just

Last year, 130,000 defendants not arrested

The white paper points out that China implemented the suspected crimes without principles, and actively prevent and correct injustice. From 2012 to 2015, the courts declared 3,369 accused not guilty according to law. In 2015, the procuratorial organs at all levels that do not constitute crimes or lack of evidence, decided not to arrest 131675, not to prosecute 25778; criminal justice challenge to believe that there has been an error of 6,591.

Meanwhile, China's illegal evidence exclusion system, guarantee suspects legal rights. It said, in 2015, the procuratorial investigation organs at all levels should not be filing filing, urge withdrawing 10,384; oversight to correct abuse of coercive measures, illegal evidence and other investigative activities illegal and 31,874.

For example, in 2014, shunping County, Hebei province Prosecutor's Office in reviewing the King so when arrested for murder, many doubt, firmly ruled out illegally obtained evidence, not to arrest decisions, a supplementary investigation, police finally captured the real killer.

The protection of the rights

Prolonged detention without trial last year dropped to 6

The white paper introduces China's detention center to improve transparency in the work of law enforcement, opened to the public on a regular basis. Procuratorial oversight of the detention center to a criminal suspect or defendant into the healthy and interim management activities to prevent and correct investigators suspect put forward outside the detention center for illegal interrogation or torture. Strengthen the term of criminal custody monitoring, oversight of the relevant departments in cleaning up the long bet on decided cases. 2013 verification for more than 3 years of detention pending 4459, in 2015 fell to 6.

In addition, China is strengthening supervision of prisons, pretrial detention centres, security detainees legal rights are not violated, as of 2015 the country has 2,610 detention center detainees established complaint handling mechanism, 2,558 detention center employs specially invited supervisors.

Credit system

3.08 million people included in the breach "blacklist"

The white paper points out that China strengthen the implementation of Justice, protect lawful rights and interests of the parties of the case. By 2015, China's total of 3.08 million executed persons were included in the list for breaking, the cumulative block 3.577 million passengers to buy air tickets, 598,800 purchased train soft sleeper, high-speed train tickets and train more than first-class seats .

According to the white paper describes, from 2012 to 2015, Chinese courts at all levels have new 12.5914 million application for enforcement cases, they knot 11.906 million. From December 1, 2015 to February 15, 2016, China's Supreme People's Court in cases involving people's livelihood focus on implementation, focus on the implementation of the recourse of the people living wages, wages for rural migrant workers, maintenance, alimony and other 9 cases, as of January 15, 2016, the national practice with a total of about 60,000 pieces in place about 2 billion yuan.

中国308万人列入失信“黑名单”:购买飞机、高铁票皆受限 - 失信,黑名单 - IT资讯















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