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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/9/8 11:52:28 Edit(编辑)
ZTE: Hammer T1 test reports crude solution,

ZTE: Hammer T1 test reports crude solution,

ZTE: Hammer T1 test reports crude phone solutions-a hammer, hammer T1, ZTE-IT news
ZTE: Hammer T1 test reports crude solution

On September 7, Luo Yonghao has published on September 5, the Foxconn's Langfang Smartisan T1 accelerated aging test report issued by the laboratory, @ ZTE product development standards according to the report published today entitled hammer T1 phone test reports crude solution article.

@ ZTE product development standards, hammer T1 phone test report crude solution, which reads as follows:

Because the standard text in the Office, so some parameters could not remember, only the coarse solution.

One standard , test reports are based on the Motorola laboratory standards, should not use standards of GB/YD insist, and GB, YD standard comparison and analysis.

Second, falling standards . Using PVC drop report surfaces, PVC is what I suggest, national standard, and YD standard and the majority of operators manufacturers used the marble, concrete, and steel, whose hardness and everyone we know. Drop point critical corners without falling, which is easily highlight Wang's design flaws, fell behind screens from corner crack.

Third, key lifetime , national standard, and YD standard provides power and side buttons is 50,000 times, T1 is 15,000 times in the report, which is a one-year, can be 40 times a day, by three years, can only be used 10 times a day, to use the classmates for three years, are you ready for the countdown yet?

IV, crush test , standard 250N,T1 reports is 35 pounds, equivalent to 155N. Students, don't put pockets, carefully press down.

Five, vibration testing , standard 10-500Hz, 30 minutes on each side, vibration parameter is the acceleration or power spectral density. T1 report is 30HZ, six total 30 points, with a displacement of parameters instead of acceleration or power spectrum.

Six, chemical tests , generic manufacturers is to use alcohol or cosmetic, stored for 24 hours in a 35-45 environment. T1 only saving one hour at room temperature in the report.

Seven, temperature , T1 high temperature high humidity and heat index higher than the standard 45-degree a lot, but humidity is much lower than the standard and test time. Hot and cold impact test temperature conversion speed is generally within 15 seconds, T1 10 minutes make impact compromised.

IT news : Foxconn's Langfang published Luo Yonghao Smartisan T1 accelerated aging test reports issued by laboratories

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