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published in(发表于) 2016/9/11 8:51:54 Edit(编辑)
British media: improve the living environment of giant pandas in the wild in China, but still need more protection,

British media: improve the living environment of giant pandas in the wild in China, but still need more protection,(英媒:中国野生大熊猫生存环境改善,但仍需更多保护,)



British media: improve the living environment of giant pandas in the wild in China, but still needs more protection-Panda, Gorilla-IT information

Good news is always welcome on animal protection. If it follows the most charming giant pandas, then even better. On September 5, the International Union for conservation of nature – a Government link between environmental groups and non-governmental organizations--announced that the Giant Panda has changed from "endangered" species (meaning the animal most likely to face extinction in the wild) into a "vulnerable" species (that is, there is a risk of extinction of the species). WWF China Director Lo Sze ping said: "everyone should celebrate. ”

United Kingdom September 10 issue of the Economist published an article said that in the past 30 years, China has made great efforts on the issue of promoting the giant panda breeding. But most efforts happening in captive giant pandas, and environmentalists decisions associated with conditions for giant pandas in the wild. According to the Government survey, in 2013, the Panda population statistics, the number of wild giant pandas has increased in 1988 from 1114 to 1864. This is the number of captive giant pandas five times.

Article said that pandas reflects the increase in the number of giant pandas living in the wild--dense bamboo forests in Southwest China--have improved. After a period of time after deforestation, China now has 67 Giant Panda reserves, covering about half of Giant Panda activities. Two-thirds of wild giant pandas live in those areas. There is no doubt that the earning power of the Giant Panda (Zoo a pair of giant pandas on loan to pay 1 million dollars a year in foreign countries) the opportunity costs of these animal sanctuary becomes smaller. But for dozens of years of conservation work, the Government credited.

A result, now owns two giant pandas-the wild giant pandas in China, and frequently appeared on camera in front of captive Giant Panda – is increasing and the number of both. Although fewer, but captive breeding more. 2003 to 2013 period, the increase in the number of wild giant pandas, 268, representing an increase of about 17%. The number of giant pandas in captivity more than doubled, increasing from 164 to 375. Giant pandas has always been known for their reproductive ability. But faced difficulties in breeding of giant pandas in captivity at least a large part of factors is derived from human ignorance. As people on physiological characteristics and behaviors to enhance understanding of the giant panda, whose fertility rate also increased.

Article said that unfortunately, for giant pandas in the wild, this is no help. Captive breeding of giant pandas aims to put them back into the wild. Giant pandas born in captivity to go through two years of training, learn how to find food and wary of humans. But after years of effort, only 5 captive giant panda to be released into the wild. Two of them have died. There are two giant pandas this winter is about to be released into the wild .

In this context, people had expected the Chinese Government may be cheered the decision of the International Union for conservation of nature. But it maintained restraint. The State Forestry Administration (agency responsible for regulating Giant Panda Habitat) even close to critical comments. Forestry Bureau noted that the wild Giant Panda population was divided into 33 local population, of which number is less than 10, with "a high risk of extinction" of local populations had 18. In addition, under the influence of habitat fragmentation, the Panda population is isolated, making local Giant Panda populations gene flow is blocked, making them more likely to get sick. Experts say that over the next 80 years, under the influence of climate change, survival of giant pandas bamboo may have one-third will disappear.

Article says, all over the world, there are many animals driven to extinction (sometimes the people who believe in traditional Chinese medicine for animals a part of the body there is a demand). International Union for conservation of nature recently – another iconic species the Eastern Gorilla in the "endangered" species list . So to see the giant pandas from the "endangered" species "vulnerable" species makes people happy. However, as a symbol of wildlife conservation, Panda should be further away from the brink of extinction.

英媒:中国野生大熊猫生存环境改善,但仍需更多保护 - 大熊猫,大猩猩 - IT资讯








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