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published in(发表于) 2016/5/14 8:07:58 Edit(编辑)
United States presidential candidate Donald Trump Amazon: there are serious antitrust issues,

United States presidential candidate Donald Trump Amazon: there are serious antitrust issues,(美国总统候选人特朗普狠批亚马逊:存在严重反垄断问题,)



United States presidential candidate Donald Trump Amazon: there are serious antitrust problems-Trump, Amazon-IT information

On May 13, according to foreign media reports, United States presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday that the Amazon "serious antitrust issues."

In a Fox News interview, Trump said, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos (Jeff Bezos) is using the power of the media to influence the politicians in Washington, DC, to give tax benefits to the Amazon. Bezos owns the Washington Post, and the Washington Post are closely watching Trump's campaign.

The Washington Post had sent 20 reporters to know Trump at different stages of life. Trump was asked in the interview that he is ready to accept this level of review in the campaign. Trump says: "Bezos has the Washington Post is like having a toy. He is using to get power to the Washington Post, Washington, DC politicians not in compliance should have been the way to taxes on Amazon. ”

He said: " Bezos would the Washington Post for political purposes, in areas such as tax and antitrust save the Amazon . "" Bezos is very worried about me, I think he said to other people about it. In some reports, he thought, I shall be antitrust sights on him. He has a serious antitrust problem because he controls too much. For the work they are engaged in, and controls many of the Amazon . ”

Amazon has not yet responded to Trump's remarks.

Vox Web site believes that Bezos does have the Washington Post, but Trump Amazon tries to gain political influence and to tax avoidance has become obsolete. Since there is no charge and pay sales tax, so Amazon retailers relative to the entity to obtain certain advantages. However, several State Governments have started to amend the law, already covered United States 77% people in 25 States asked Amazon to charge sales tax, with the other 3 States without sales taxes.

In fact, Amazon and Trump said the opposite. Amazon is calling on Congress to amend the law to make business easier for companies to collect sales tax. The reasons for this is that Amazon is huge, and many States have asked Amazon to pay sales taxes, relatively smaller e-commerce company that has yet to comply with such a request.

In addition, the Washington Post in the United States political coverage has had a long history. The newspaper sent more reporters to cover the Trump Trump hardly has a lock on the Republican presidential candidate's qualifications. Trump comments is more like a revenge to the Amazon. In addition, he did not specify how the adjustment of anti-monopoly policy, strengthen monitoring on Amazon.

美国总统候选人特朗普狠批亚马逊:存在严重反垄断问题 - 特朗普,亚马逊 - IT资讯


在接受福克斯新闻采访时,特朗普表示,亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)正利用媒体的力量去影响华盛顿特区的政治家,从而给亚马逊带来税务方面的利益。贝索斯拥有《华盛顿邮报》,而《华盛顿邮报》正在密切关注特朗普的竞选活动。







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