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published in(发表于) 2016/9/8 11:41:34 Edit(编辑)
129 Telecom fraud suspects from Armenia were brought back to China: involving more than 7 million Yuan,

129 Telecom fraud suspects from Armenia were brought back to China: involving more than 7 million Yuan,(129名电信诈骗嫌疑人从亚美尼亚被带回中国:涉案金额700余万元,)



129 Telecom fraud suspects from Armenia were brought back to China:-Telecom fraud involving more than 7 million Yuan, fraud, mobile phone-IT news

Beijing, September 7, 7th reporters from China's public security Ministry that, recently, the 129 suspects fraud telecommunications network (city, 51, Taiwan 78) take the Charter flights by the public security authorities in China from Armenia back involves more than 10 provinces in mainland China a number of cross-border telecommunication network fraud successfully cracked. This is the Ministry of public security deployment against Telecom fraud crimes Initiative achieved another major success.

This year, the Armenia law enforcement found a large number of mainland China and Taiwan entry, prices of local rental homes, rental homes and closed the Windows, the walls are soundproof, suspected of engaging in illegal and criminal activities, Armenia law enforcement this briefing by Chinese police. On August 20 this year, Armenia law enforcement raids have mastered 6 den, seized 51 criminal suspects from the Mainland, 78 Taiwan criminal suspects, as well as a large number of computers, smart phones, tablets and other instrumentalities, successfully destroyed a telecom network fraud criminal gangs. On August 26, the Chinese Ministry of public security sent a work team to Armenia to work. After investigation, the gang in Armenia to establish multiple fraud dens, from Guangdong, Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Jilin, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and other 13 provincial residents call city, judicial organs, posing as wantonly commit fraud, network fraud and the initial checks over more than 50, amount of more than 7 million Yuan.

Because the victims were people on the Mainland, and the case is gang crime, in order to facilitate case investigation, recovery of stolen money, punish crimes according to law, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the victims, 129 suspects were all taken back to China to handle, Guangdong Province, China's Ministry of public security, assigned public security organs are responsible for investigation of the case. In accordance with the consensus reached by the cross-strait consultations, the spirit to fight crime and contribute to the protection of victims interests and conducive to the realization of the principles of Justice, Mainland public security authorities have been informed through the channels of cross-straits cooperation in combating crimes.

China's Ministry of public security official said, Telecom fraud serious crime against property and legitimate rights and interests of the people, has become a serious social problem, the broad masses hate, must severely punish according to law. No matter who the network suspects fraud, no matter where you run to, the public security organs will have an attitude highly responsible to the people, tracing, cracked down, continue to take high pressure crackdown on Telecom fraud crimes, strongly fighting the arrogance of criminals, and earnestly safeguard the safety of people and property and legal rights.

129名电信诈骗嫌疑人从亚美尼亚被带回中国:涉案金额700余万元 - 电信诈骗,诈骗,手机 - IT资讯





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