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published in(发表于) 2016/9/6 8:32:51 Edit(编辑)
United States Iowa, built out of the skyscraper suspended swimming pool, the bottom glass,

United States Iowa, built out of the skyscraper suspended swimming pool, the bottom glass,(美国爱荷华州欲建伸出摩天大楼悬空游泳池,底部采用玻璃,)



United States Iowa, built out of the skyscraper suspended swimming pool, glass-bottom swimming pool-IT information

IT information news on September 6, United States Iowa, after completion of a apartment building under construction in order to attract customers, plan, 26/f, building a cantilevered pool, and installed glass Windows at the bottom of the pool.

It is learnt that upon completion, the swimming pool will be out of the building to 3.4 meters, with a total area of 45 square meters, can accommodate 11,000 gallons (about 41.6 tonnes) of water, the bottom ten layers of laminated safety glass up to 6 inches thick, the architect qianning·siwosen (Channing Swanson) says it can bear the weight of the water twice.

The swimming pool will cost an additional US $ 250,000 (about 1.67 million yuan), the apartment building is expected to be completed before 2018.

美国爱荷华州欲建伸出摩天大楼悬空游泳池,底部采用玻璃 - 游泳池 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 9月6日消息,美国爱荷华州一栋在建的公寓大楼为了建成后吸引顾客,计划在26楼建造一座悬臂式的游泳池,并且在游泳池底部安上玻璃窗。

据悉,建成后,这个游泳池将伸出建筑物3.4米,总面积达45平方米,可容纳1.1万加仑(约合41.6吨)的水,其底部的十层夹层安全玻璃厚达6英寸,建筑师钱宁·斯沃森(Channing Swanson)称其能够承受这些水两倍的重量。


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