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published in(发表于) 2016/6/9 5:40:21 Edit(编辑)
Fuel to French: Warcraft effects behind top cinematography,

Fuel to French: Warcraft effects behind top cinematography,(燃到炸:《魔兽》特效背后隐藏着顶尖电影技术,)



Fuel to French: Warcraft effects behind top cinematography-world of Warcraft, Warcraft movie-IT information

Just this morning, by popular games Warcraft changes for many years the film of the same name officially lands in domestic theaters, the unprecedented fantasy epic Warcraft not only many years of faithful arrived flour, even to accompany men and invited to attend the premiere of the girls were deeply shocked to live!

Ten years ago, Blizzard first announced to modelled on the Warcraft plot adapted into the film's plan has aroused widespread concern in the fans player at that time. But for years but never anything, until 2013, Blizzard suddenly announced that dengken·qiongsi will serve as the film's Director, now film finally meet look forward to ten years ago.

Whether it's comparable to the avatar Visual effects, great story structure, UPS and downs twists and turns of the story, and is a distinctive delicate characters make this movie to be a real "must see".

Director of the wildest beast called Yi Xiaoxing watch points after reflecting long tweets at once exclaimed: "large amount of special effects and high quality, as a player for nearly ten years, I see very quickly, lots of familiar names can evoke many memories, Mage and Warlock ultra high degree of skill to restore, and sheep are all the biggest punchline. ”

Following Yi Xiaoxing weibo full text:

Watercress critic clownfish Nemo with the "burst" two words to describe the Visual effects of the film, he said: "as the typical Visual control (non-Warcraft powder), really high-energy blockbuster special effects by Warcraft full high, cool explosions, burning to French. 120+ minutes, seconds, seconds are in a State of excitement surging.

The Warcraft movie post-production took 20 months, "burst" effect behind, hidden in the world's top movie special effects technology.

Dynamic facial capture technology

Industrial light and Magic (ILM) developed the new set of facial motion capture system, it can vividly demonstrate the reality show actors, through the technical handling of the ORC character, can make the audience understand and resonate, killer of a Warcraft movie special effects.

Face dynamic capture system of principle is such of: actor of face Shang need posted full 120 a round points mark, then head wearing a Taiwan small camera, lens away from actor of face only not to 13 cm of distance, will facial expression took into a group HD photos Hou, with advanced of mathematics built die software on these expression of different of at for repeatedly calculation, obtained integrated of results.

Then the Director wanted how, how actors can play!

Say by the truth, facial capture is that it is difficult, even if multiple tagging to the actor's face, there are still some areas cannot be marked, such as the eye, the pupil and the movements of the tongue. Industrial light and Magic (ILM) animation Director HAL said, the exploration of new areas of the Warcraft details.

Capturing facial expressions, including every blink and every facial muscles twitch and every subtle skin dynamics, if you watch the film, you will find, in this film is very much dynamic close-up of giant ORC, how real, you go to the movies to feel understood!

125 cameras and filming

Several cameras filmed the Cinematography is nothing to brag about, but Warcraft is the highlight of this time, get rid of the conventional motion capture, set up several cameras in the entity set, while capturing the role of ORC actors play human characters and actors play.

According to statistics, Elwynn forest scene alone, was erected around 125 cameras when shooting, tree top, after stones, hanging on the arm ... ... For is captured in every angle "orcs" movement.

Warcraft all the animation part is equipped with a Terminal products bred for Intel processors, and each animated character in the movie hair, rendering of lighting takes a lot of time in the past, this time because Intel's involvement makes the whole work smooth and fast a lot.

2000 special effect lens

Warcraft movie the of effects play for Hollywood famous of movie effects making company Industrial Light Magic (full name: Industrial Light and Magic, referred to: ILM), this company history Shang get had 15 times Oscar best visual effect award, basic representative has today world movie making of top standard, guys familiar of Star Wars, and Caribbean Pirate, and transformers are is from he home of hand.

Warcraft movie, ILM for it produced about 2000 special effects shots, in contrast, that when the VFX of red all over the world have 1600 special effects shots of the avatar, Lord of the rings the third production with special effects shots in the late 1500, an ordinary film special effects shots are generally 300-400.

In addition, the Director and cast in all aspects is the Grand extravaganza.

Art Director and Decorator is designed and built 90 sizes, the varying complexity of the scene;

Has been involved in the avatar costume designer mayesi·lubeiao specially built more than 650 for Warcraft costumes;

Weta (Lord of the Rings series) designed for the world of Warcraft has produced nearly 100 sets of armor;

Scene layout artist Elizabeth was led by five Assistant, spent six weeks being patched and produced more than 3000 volumes;

In order to render display beast special cultures and customs building 15 meters in diameter and rectangular tents;

Include shields, armor, and weapons of all kinds of props altogether more than 1000 ... ...

It is said that WOW is hosted by the memories of a generation, or even the mark of an era, artificial feel like the nomadic life in the vast grassland, the old boy dragged down with world of Warcraft will eventually become common red youth of our generation.

Both are the product of feelings and the stunning special effects, is something you should take two hours to enjoy this work, for general audiences may see a new world, for old fans, the film itself is a kind of moving.

燃到炸:《魔兽》特效背后隐藏着顶尖电影技术 - 魔兽,魔兽电影 - IT资讯



















《魔兽》电影此次的特效担当为好莱坞著名的电影特效制作公司工业光魔(全称:Industrial Light and Magic,简称:ILM),这家公司历史上获得过15次奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖,基本代表了当今世界电影制作的顶尖水准,大伙熟悉的《星球大战》、《加勒比海盗》、《变形金刚》都是出自他家之手。











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