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published in(发表于) 2016/9/5 10:15:50 Edit(编辑)
Paper books to die? Three Zhang Tu tell you what Americans read,

Paper books to die? Three Zhang Tu tell you what Americans read,(纸质书要消亡?三张图告诉你美国人怎么读书,)



Paper books to die? Three Zhang Tu tell you what Americans read books-electronic books, paper-IT information

In more and more people are concerned today, paper books will be replaced by e-book, United States according to a report from the Pew Institute over the past 12 months in the United States who read a paper book is still more than 1 time times higher than the number of people who read books.

Pew Institute last week released its annual America's reading habits survey. Reported in the past 12 months, there are 73% Americans read at least one book, 65% of reading a paper book. By contrast, only 28% read an eBook, 14% people choose to listen to audio books.

The report data come from researchers in March this year between April of 1520 adult Americans conducted by the telephone survey.

The survey, the average American read 12 books a year, most typically read 4 books a year. This number is similar to data 5 years ago, in the 2011 survey, a total of 79% respondents who read at least one book in one year.

Although with the popularity of smartphones and tablet computers increasing number of eBooks, but United States readers, most still prefer paper books. In the survey, close to two-thirds readers in the last year, read a paper book, similar to the figure for 2012, but down from 71% in 2011.

According to statistics from Nielsen book survey late last year, United States paperback sales in 2015 to reach 570 million, up from 2014 550 million copies. For paper book sales rise, Publisher explained was mainly due to an adult painted hand-painted pop and Internet celebrity into a book.

In e-books, according to the report from the Pew Research Institute, 17% growth in number of people who read books from 2011 to 2014 28%, but this does not appear from the beginning in 2014, this year remained unchanged at 28%.

Looking at ebook readers, from 2011, this year, dedicated eBook reader read the number did not appear too much change, only rose from 7% to 8%; but the number of people using mobile phones and tablet computers to read has increased several times.

Report says Tablet readers from 2016, up 2011 in 15%; cell phone readers increased from 5% to 13%.

Reports also show that e-book readers, young people aged 18 to 29 years old, African American and Hispanic, received no university education readers use a cell phone instead of a tablet to read books.

Survey found that from a general point of view, 38% of respondents only paper book; 28% respondents paper books and electronic books; there was also 6% of respondents read books.

In the United States among readers, for someone interested in reading the highest proportion is 84%; 82% of the reading is to keep track of current affairs hot; 80% for fun reading and 57% for work or study.

纸质书要消亡?三张图告诉你美国人怎么读书 - 电子书,电纸书 - IT资讯













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